Showing posts with label The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday ~ Voting Day

Welcome! On this lovely fall day we have the privilege to exercise our rights as Americans to vote for the candidates and issues important to our communities and nation. I hope you'll find a moment to cast your ballot.

May I pour you a nice cup of tea? Please help yourself to some delectable (and calorie free) tea fare. I'll take the eclair - and just think - you can take one too since it's virtual.

When I was standing in line to vote this morning, one woman turned to a gentleman in line behind her and told him she didn't care if she was late to work. It was important she voted!

Do you like the tea? It's decaffeinated Green tea. It's supposed to be healthy so I'm trying to get used to it. Not too bad, really.

It was so much fun to do my first event on Facebook last weekend. I celebrated three publishing events called Triple X with over 120 participants who won books and Go Jillian and Teddy! mugs as thank you prizes. So much fun!

Amazon Kindle Only $2.99!

Don't be shy - please have more tea and help me eat these lovely snacks. (I almost typed snakes!)

Last week we talked about the first event - the launch of Book 9 "Murder at Mirror Lake." I always wanted to go on a fall color tour so I wrote a mystery about "leaf peepers."

The second event was the launch of "A Cup of Cozy 2," second edition of  Cozy Mystery Magazine's anthology featuring our authors. In it you'll find six new short holiday stories including one from my new series called "Lawrence Buys a Gift." Lawrence is the amateur sleuth husband of one of Jillian's new friends. The book also includes fabulous holiday menus and recipes that you'll want to check out. I hope you enjoy it.

The third really happy event I'm celebrating is the new cover designs for my series. They're almost ready. Here is a close replica of what they'll look like (with a few changes, of course).

I hope you have a wonderful week. If you're looking for some "Murder She Wrote" kind of books, you may want to give mine a try.

Thanks for sharing our time together.

~Nancy Jill

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Cover Sneak Peek at Book 9 "Murder at Mirror Lake"

Simply had to share - Book 9 "Murder at Mirror Lake" is Coming Soon!!!!! Very Soon!!!

Coming 2014!

  When Jillian and her garden club friends decide to take a fall color tour in New England, they have no idea the resort they choose as home base will soon be a setting for murder. And more than one. 
  Who killed the hotel's head chef in his own kitchen and why? His cuisine was excellent but his personality left a bad taste. Together with Jillian's Yorkie companion Teddy, and the help her garden club, Jillian works with Lake Placid's top gun Police Chief Mark Taylor in uncovering the killer.

Please stay tuned, reader friends.


~Nancy Jill 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday ~ A TV Series On the Horizon?

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday! Let me pour you a nice cup of tea. Milk? Sugars? My heroine and I take three sugars. I know, it's excessive, but it does taste good! 

Excessive is a word I now refer to when describing the voices in my head. They're constantly suggesting new characters and plots. All I can do to quiet them is create a title and register the ISBN numbers. Yesterday, the voices told me to write Book 11 "Murder at the Met," a story about the murder of a virtuoso in New York City.

What I need is a screenwriter!
Do you know of any? Please comment if you do. I think Jillian and Teddy's adventures would be fun to watch!

Please have some refreshments. And let me reheat your tea.

Of course I do have help from my husband and son who whisper plots in our everyday conversation. They're incorrigible! Especially my son, Michael, who will even go so far as to give me a pendant with a key on it for my birthday with a card that says, "Here is a key Jillian finds. What does it unlock?"

I love them. But little do they realize that if and when a screenwriter comes knocking, I'm pointing him or her in the direction of my voices. 

~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday ~ In the Mood for PUMPKIN

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe
Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday! I'm so happy you stopped by today. These colorful polka dot cups caught my eye on Pinterest, as well as the link for the yummy crock pot recipe - feel free to click!

We'll enjoy a virtual cup now, but I want to try the recipe soon.

The weather has been delightful here in the Bay Area where I'm spending time with my family. Yet, I noted a huge hail storm reported not far away in Napa where an earthquake hit recently. Never a dull moment where the weather's concerned.

Oh, of course. I'd be happy to pour you a refill.

One of my all time favorites, no matter what kind of weather we're having, is Einstein Bagels - the apple spice one. They may even be featuring their pumpkin spice bagel now. I'll have to check. Found it! It's their pumpkin walnut crunch bagel. Sooo yummy, people.

Currently, I'm working on Book 9 "Murder at Mirror Lake" where Jillian and two of her garden club friends, Ann and Nicole, are taking a fall trip as leaf peepers in upstate New York. There's a freshly baked apple pie in there somewhere, I do believe.

The manuscript is with the beta reader team now. I can't wait to launch!

Have a wonderful week, dear readers. Enjoy the pumpkin spice latte and please let me know how it turns out.


~Nancy Jill        

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday - Fall ~ A Perfect Time for Tea

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday - I'm so glad you've joined me. Let me pour you a nice cup of tea.

Milk? Sugars? Do have some snacks.

Now that the kiddies are back in school, many of us can sit back and relax. Days are shorter, nights are longer, and things seem cozier in general.

To me, fall and winter are never long enough. Sitting by a crackling fire sipping tea, well, it doesn't get any better for a lot of us.

Especially if you're a reader!

This fall two new books are coming on the market that I think you'll enjoy.

"A CUP OF COZY 2" is the latest anthology from the authors of Cozy Mystery Magazine. You'll not only find cozy holiday stories showcasing our styles, but also holiday menus and recipes from each author.

Book 9 "Murder at Mirror Lake" is also due to launch. Jillian and her garden club friends take a fall trip to upstate New York only to find themselves in the middle of a murder investigation of an executive chef. A fun whodunnit that will keep you guessing until the end.

Lots of great reading coming up! I can't wait.


~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday * A Toast To Betas

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday! I would like to raise a toast to my wonderful 
Beta Reader Team: 
Barbara Babcock
Tom Biggs (my wonderful brother)
Deborah Fox Belissio
Roxanne Day
Sid Frost
Brenda Burke Johnson
Donna Montgomery (who's been with me from the very first book!)
Gale O'Brien
Michelle Tucker Reed
Maxine Rohde
Shanan Shepherd
Ted Thames (my sweet husband) and
Karen Timmermann

These eagle eye readers will take the rough draft of Book 9 "Murder At Mirror Lake"
and make notes of suggested changes to enhance the work. Their input is invaluable to an indie author such as myself. As a thank you, I'll be sending them a signed copy when the book is hot off the press. Betas such as these often write the first reviews, helping to successfully launch a book.

So a huge thank you, Betas, as we begin this undertaking. Your input is most appreciated.


                    ~Nancy Jill


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday * Rosita, the Red Hibiscus

"Rosita-September 2014"

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday! I'm so glad you've joined me today. Let me pour you a nice cup of tea and we'll chat a while. Milk? Sugars?

Rosita is my husband's red hibiscus. He's raised her from a tiny plant one foot high. Since we live in Texas, where it's hot, hot, and hotter, I only allowed him one plant to care for.

Seriously, one is all he really has time for. But then he talked me into letting him buy a small Easter cactus family that he named "La Familia."

At least "La Familia" is low-maintenance.

Not Rosita.

Oh, no. Not her. You see, if left outside, Rosita would freeze her little roots off with the first cold front in November. The solution?

We must move her inside like we did last year. Only now, Rosita is twice the size she was last year and will occupy most of our morning room.

Still, she's therapy for my husband, so letting her live another year is the least I can do.

He compliments her.

He checks her soil to make sure it's moist.

He prunes her faded blossoms and tells her how much he looks forward to her next rush of blossoms.

Sigh...if only he'd do the same for me.

Then again, I really can't blame him.

The difference between Rosita and me is only this -- she's silent.

Never says a word.

Never talks back, criticizes, or complains.

What's not to love?

I get it. Perhaps I should take a lesson from Rosita and keep silent once in a while.

Or, I could forget to bring her inside....

Do you winter over plants inside where you live? I'd love to hear about them. Thanks for joining me today. I had fun.


~Nancy Jill 

Look for my new book "Murder at Mirror Lake" coming in November 2014.

When Jillian and her garden club friends decide to take a fall color tour in New England, they have no idea the resort they choose as home base will soon be a setting for murder. And more than one.

Who killed the hotel's head chef in his own kitchen and why? His cuisine was excellent but his personality left a bad taste. Together with Jillian's Yorkie companion Teddy, and the help her garden club, Jillian works with Lake Placid's top gun Police Chief Mark Taylor in uncovering the killer.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday * Cate Winslet Sets the Stage in "Titanic"

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday, dear readers. Let me pour you a nice cup of tea. Milk? Sugars?

This photo of Cate Winslet in "Titanic" to me sets the stage for what afternoon tea is all about. Taking a much needed break in the afternoon, enjoying the warm goodness of aromatic tea, and fortifying one's self with a delicious snack to see us through until dinner.

Whenever I see photos like this I want to dress prettier, always wear makeup, and BE Cate Winslet -- don't you?

Perhaps we all can't be movie stars, but we can do things to make us feel like them.

Please have a sandwich.

The books I write are a way of preserving the fond memories I shared with my Garden Club friends. Every week we would gather, do a craft, enjoy a luncheon at our hostess' home (or go out for lunch or tea), and resume our craft projects until it was time for afternoon tea. Our parties ended when it was time to pick up the children from school.

May I refill your cup?

Book 9 "Murder at Mirror Lake," due out the first part of November begins with such a gathering in the home of Jillian's friend, Ann Fieldman as they celebrate Jillian's birthday. Details of her Costa Rica trip to visit Dr. Vincent Fontaine are revealed, and a trip to Lake Placid, New York leads Jillian and her friends to help discover the murderer of the executive chef at the Mirror Lake Inn. Of course, Teddy is instrumental in uncovering an important clue in the case.


If you haven't read any of the Jillian Bradley mystery series you may want to start with Book 1 "Murder in Half Moon Bay" available as a free ebook on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and iTunes. Click the link to download your free copy. Thanks for giving the books a try! 

FREE on  Amazon   Kobo  Nook and Smashwords! Amazon International Links:
It was delightful to have you. See you next week.

~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday * The Proper Way to Eat a Scone

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday, everyone. I trust you're ready for a nice cup of hot tea. Milk? Sugars?

Today I have shocking information recently revealed to me in the latest issue of Tea Time Magazine.

Why do I say shocking? 

Because for years I've been eating scones in a manner considered uncouth according to a contributing editor of the magazine.

The thing is, it makes total sense, so I must share.

The tea maestro (what he calls himself) tells us round scones are the most popular in England for a reason -- they're easier to break apart or slice.

When served, one should take the scone and place it on your plate.
Spoon some jam and clotted cream on the plate as well (unless you're served as in the above photo).
Slice the scone in half horizontally and lay one half aside.
Slice the other half into two portions, taking one portion and spreading it with jam and clotted cream.
*Note: Whether the jam is spread first or the clotted cream depends on your philosophical approach. If your desire is to enjoy the decadence of the clotted cream, spread after the jam. If you want to be more discreet, the clotted cream is spread first, covered with the jam.
Once prepared, take a bite, sip your tea, then say something extremely witting or intelligent. 
Select the next portion and repeat the ritual.

It's the little things. And from now on, you can be sure that my heroine will be eating her scones in a proper manner.

I'd love to hear how you eat a scone. What are your favorite toppings? 

If you'd like my raisin scone recipe and recipe for mock Devonshire cream, you'll find them in "Cozy Food" released this year.
New! Cozy Food

Cheers for a lovely week, dear readers. 

~Nancy Jill 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday * * * * * * Is Kindle Unlimited For You?

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday, a weekly blog to share afternoon tea and talk about the world of books.

Let me pour you a cup of Darjeeling. Milk? Sugars? 

I'm serving Jillian Bradley's carrot cake today. It's one of my husband's favorites and mine too! I used to make double this recipe but now that there are only the two of us, I cut the original recipe in half.

The recipe is easy to make as long as you grate the carrots FIRST. 

I ran across a blog post on Pinterest regarding Amazon's new service called "Kindle Unlimited" that I found most informative. It's a monthly book service for $9.99 where readers can borrow up to 10 books a month. This is a little different than their Amazon Prime service where readers can borrow only one book a month. (But for free!)

If you're interested in what USA Today is saying initially you may want to read the link I've included at the end of our tea.

Sometimes I wish I could transport back to being just a reader -- that way I would have more time to indulge in reading all the tempting books being written. But alas, I must sacrifice for those who like my books. 

It's like cleaning houses for a living. When you come home, the last thing you want to do is clean house! There is a difference, though. With today's technology one can read on devices at hand, like the iPhone or iPad. That's what I do. 

What's the last book you read? Did you read a paperback or ebook version? 

The last book I read was "The Woolie Weegie" by C.L. Ragsdale. I read it on my iPad and wrote a review conveniently at the end. I would recommend all of the Reboot series by this author. I'd post the cover but it's a bit frightening. Here's the link:Books by C.L. Ragsdale


~Nancy Jill

Oh, you'd like the link to the Kindle Unlimited post and the recipe? Certainly! USA TODAY Kindle Unlimited

Jillian's Carrot Cake
Serves 9

Grate 1-2 carrots enough to make 1 1/2 cups. Set aside.

Sift together and set aside: 1 cup flour, 1/2 t. cinnamon, 1/2 t. allspice, 1/8 t. ground cloves, 1 t. soda and 1/4 t. salt.

Combine and mix well: 3/4 c. vegetable oil, 1 c. sugar, 1/2 t. vanilla.

Add, mixing well after each addition: 2 eggs.

Gradually add dry ingredients. 

Fold in 1 1/2 cups grated carrots, 1/2 small can crushed pineapple, drained, and 1/2 c. chopped walnuts.

Pour into an 8"X8" square pan and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until done.

Combine and mix with mixer until fluffy: 1/4 c. butter, softened, 2 cups powdered sugar, 4 ounces cream cheese, softened, 1/2 t. vanilla.

Fold in 1/2 c. chopped walnuts. 

Spread on warm cake.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fruited Iced-Tea and Cheesecake

From the Cheesecake Factory - Yum!
Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday! Since it's so hot here in Texas and other parts of the country I thought we'd have fruited iced-tea with our cheesecake today.
Jillian's Fruited Iced-Tea

For her garden club friends, Jillian Bradley would use this favorite recipe that's been in the family for years. 

 Fruited Iced-Tea

2 cups sugar
2 cups water
1 quart hot water
8 tea bags
1 quart cold water
2 cups orange juice
1/2 cup lemon juice

Boil sugar and water 5 minutes. Steep tea in hot water 5 minutes. Add tea and sugar to quart of cold water. Add fruit juices. Stir, mix, and serve over ice. Garnish with mint and fresh fruit. (And don't forget the straws!)


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday at Mirror Lake Inn

Welcome to my website! I'm happy you took a few moments to stop by. After we share tea and refreshments, please check out the pages and get acquainted with the Jillian Bradley mysteries.
Let me pour you a cup. Milk? Sugars? Please help yourself to some sandwiches and tarts. Aren't they lovely?

Did you notice the silver cake tongs? I almost got a pair of these for Mother's Day, but received sunglasses and an oversize purple and black case instead. Maybe next year.

Over the weekend I enjoyed afternoon tea at the Mirror Lake Inn in Lake Placid, New York. Fierre, the server, brewed my Earl Grey to perfection. And the chocolate chip cookies were wonderful! I was doing research for my next book "Murder at Mirror 
Lake" due out at the end of 2014.

Another server showed me around the kitchen and introduced me to two of the chefs as I gathered research for the setting of the murder.

Let me refill your cup. There we go. Have another cake if you wish. Please don't leave them for me to finish!

Regarding the contest for a book giveaway, seventeen more of you have liked my Facebook page. Thank you. Please note that I usually serve tea there every afternoon so I hope you'll join me if you haven't already.

To enter, please click the Facebook button on the right and like my author page. Or, you may click this link to like: Thank you! Only three more entries before the drawing.  


~Nancy Jill

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A Little Background...

  When I was in junior high school, I wanted to become an architect or a yacht designer. After high school, my best friend and I dreamed of opening a studio where she could teach dance and I would teach piano. The closest I got was getting a degree in music, teaching piano lessons at home for one year and serving as the church choir director for four years.
   My husband took me on business trips to great resorts, my friends and I had tea parties, and life was generally good until one day, I got bored.

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series * * * * * Tea Party Tuesday (and a little contest)

Welcome to my website! I'm happy you took a few moments to stop by. Here you'll find information about my books, a live interview on YouTube, and the latest news on upcoming releases. 

You're just in time for Tea Party Tuesday and a chance to win one of my books!

Only twenty more likes on my Facebook page will bring the number to 1,000. For a chance to win, the next 20 people who like my page will be entered into the hat. Here's the link or like it on the sidebar. 

Thank you!

Good luck!

Update 6/14/14: Seven new people have liked my page for a chance to win one of my books. You now have thirteen more chances to win! Like now!

Courtesy The
Now for some tea and banana pudding cupcakes. For the recipe, click the link. Let me pour you a nice cup of tea. Milk? Sugar?

I was reading the new issue of Tea Time Magazine with the Old Blue Willow tea service  on the cover and thought how lovely these yellow cupcakes would go with the blue dishes. 

Is there anything richer or creamier than banana pudding?

Have another - they're small.

I remember buying a set of Old Blue Willow years ago. The problem was my house didn't match them - I think they belong in a white kitchen or in a cozy cottage, don't you? All I have left of those dishes is a serving platter, which I use all the time. Sigh. 
If you're interested in Old Blue Willow, you may want to read a post I wrote on Cozy Mystery Magazine. Here's the link:The Mystique of Old Blue Willow.

Let me refill your cup.

If you would like to read one of my books, please like my author page on Facebook and I'll enter your name in a drawing. When I've reached 1,000 likes, I'll announce the winner. 

If you haven't read any of the Jillian Bradley mysteries, why not read "Murder in Half Moon Bay" first? It's a free e-book on Amazon, Nook, Kobo, and Smashwords (they distribute to Apple iBooks). If you like afternoon tea, you might enjoy reading about Jillian Bradley and her friends enjoying the pleasant ritual as they help solve homicides.
   FREE on  Amazon   Kobo  Nook and Smashwords!
Amazon International Links:

Thanks for joining me today - it was lovely to have you.

See you in my books!

~Nancy Jill
A Little Background...

  When I was in junior high school, I wanted to become an architect or a yacht designer. After high school, my best friend and I dreamed of opening a studio where she could teach dance and I would teach piano. The closest I got was getting a degree in music, teaching piano lessons at home for one year and serving as the church choir director for four years.
   My husband took me on business trips to great resorts, my friends and I had tea parties, and life was generally good until one day, I got bored.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday - Where It All Began

Welcome to our tea party! 
I'm delighted you could join us. Let me pour you a cup of tea. Milk? Sugars? Please help yourself to sandwiches.
Since my protagonist, Jillian Bradley, enjoys afternoon tea as often as possible, I thought I'd share how and where it all began.

According to Twinings, afternoon tea, a quintessentially English tradition, is rumoured to date all the way back to 1662 when  Catherine of Braganza, King  Charles II of England's Portuguese wife, introduced tea to the royal court. But the afternoon tea menu, as we have come to know and love it, took quite a while to develop. 

By the late 1830s - early 1840s afternoon tea was evolving to become a social occasion and it's even hinted at in an unfinished Jane Austen novel from 1804,The Watsons.  

Vintage_Afternoon_TeaAround this time, it was usual to have a long gap between the relatively light 'luncheon' served around midday, and dinner served around 8pm.

The Duchess of Bedford was a close friend of Queen Victoria and a prominent figure within London society at the time. She requested that light sandwiches, tea and cake be brought to her in the late afternoon because she had a 'sinking feeling' due to the long gap between meals.

Over time, she started to invite close confidantes to join her in her rooms at Woburn Abbey, to exchange news and stories over tea and light refreshments, and gradually these kinds of afternoon teas became a tradition. (This is where Jillian Bradley picks up the tradition!)


Other social hostesses quickly picked up on the idea and the practice became respectable enough to move it into the drawing room.  This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880s upper-class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o'clock.

Nowadays, we may only dress up for tea on special occasion, but I've been to tea shops that  provide hats, just in case you want to! And look at us now - we enjoy afternoon tea together on Tea Party Tuesday at Queen of Afternoon Tea! 

I hope you'll get my free copy of "Murder in Half Moon Bay" (if you haven't already downloaded it) and begin the series filled with afternoon tea and adventure. 
All Jillian Bradley wants is to spend a quiet weekend by the ocean and enjoy her afternoon tea. But a startling discovery draws Jillian and her garden club friends into solving a mystery that threatens her life and changes her future.

'Murder in Half Moon Bay,' Book 1 in The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series, introduces Jillian's little companion 'Teddy,' a Yorkie who falls prey to danger but rises to become a sleuth dog in the next book.

      FREE on  Amazon   Kobo  Nook and Smashwords!


~Nancy Jill