If I'm feeling blue (which is rare for me), I find people who communicate their sentiments through the written word are far more sincere than someone verbally throwing a tired cliche my way. Those of you who responded to my last post about the ups and downs of being an author encouraged me so much and I wanted to thank you. Despite the fact that our tear ducts no longer produce as much fluid as they should for healthy eyesight, due to staring at our computer screens for most of the day, I must say that I enjoy being with all of you virtually and count you as friends, especially when you care enough to give me encouragement when I need it. I for one believe most of us try to put our best foot forward when we post and tweet, and I think it makes for a lovely world, albeit a virtual one. Do you have more friends online or off?
I did a tweet today that was re-tweeted to 75,000 followers. After I thanked the gentleman and added a note of appreciation, he re-tweeted my note to his 75,000 followers once again. I went to another site and voted in a poll, stating my opinion and mentioning that I wrote murder mysteries. The host of the site posted my book link to all of her fans and I gained even more exposure which resulted in a lovely spike in sales which enabled me to reach my monthly sales goal early on. Finding readers who enjoy my books is so rewarding. Knowing so many people bought my books today made me very happy, and all the work I put into my craft so worthwhile. A lovely feeling, indeed. So when you have an opportunity to pass something beneficial along, don't hesitate. You just might make someone's day very special, like someone did for me today. I'm so grateful to both of them.
I don't know know about you, but I get so caught up trying to keep up with social media (looking for ways to market my books) that I lose control of my attitude and bite the hand that feeds me. I must pause, rewind, apologize, and learn to breathe again. When I do, my blood pressure returns to normal and our household's atmosphere returns to a lovely state. This evening I hope you can sit and relax with your dog or cat, husband or significant other, and enjoy just being alive.