Showing posts with label positive thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positive thinking. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


How lovely to enjoy a few days of solitude. Time to break free of demands on body and soul - waking when fully rested, working when inspiration hits, eating only when truly hungry...solitude for me refreshes my being. You may ask, "Isn't that what spas are all about? Hot tubs? Vacations?" Yes, those are lovely, too. But they don't take the place of having some moments of solitude where a person has to come to grips with who they are and what their purpose is. As much as I find moments of solitude to be a lovely gift though, I wouldn't want too much of a good thing. For instance, my protagonist Jillian Bradley is a widow and childless - her solitude is difficult at times. But peace, tranquility, listening to that still small voice coming from your heart...does a body good. Have a lovely day, my friends.
~Nancy Jill

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Ever have one of those days where you feel beaten down, deflated and have no energy? We all do. Besides getting some good food and rest, the only thing we can do is tell ourselves that we'll get back up on the horse tomorrow and try again. Most of the time our off days are related to bad weather or brain drain from over work. Isn't the word "tomorrow" lovely? Wishing all of you the courage to forget about the bad days and move into the good ones. Blessings on all of you, my friends.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Мир и благословение. 
                                           (Peace and Blessings in Russian)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


A trip to a government office was not my idea of fun, so I procrastinated as long as possible before forcing myself to go. What I discovered helped me understand that attitude really is everything. As I started out on the 37- minute journey, I could have grumbled that I had more important things to do, such as adding borders to my cover images or catching up with my social networking. Instead, I listened to my favorite radio station, which always puts me in a good mood, and admired the lovely scenic route I'd chosen over going the freeway.  Driving along the bucolic countryside, I saw couples taking walks, a herd of goats clearing a meadow, and arrived at my destination without suffering at all! Even the 30-minute wait was interesting as I watched all kinds of people come and go. I was having such a wonderful time that I decided to continue having fun by going shopping, which I rarely do, and came home with some nice things to wear. My day went from gloomy to glorious because I chose to look for the good. Isn't it lovely that we have the choice?

Friday, March 9, 2012


I love working on my writing all day. Housework is secondary now, a few  punctuation marks in the day. My focus is on my novel. Vacuuming and mopping simply become activities for breaks as I write. No going to the gym, no walks with the wind whipping my hair all over the place, no, just simple windows of sitting comfortably with my computer on my lap, pounding away, getting up once in a while to do a few chores, much like some people would take coffee breaks. I no longer dread housework. I don't even think about it, and yet the work gets done. Lovely, don't you think?