Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reading Time!

 After lunch is my FAVORITE time of day. It's reading time! I take off my glasses ( I'm nearsighted), gather my reading materials and phone, get all cozy on the couch with my microfiber throws and sail away! 
   While my body is rejuvenating ( I prefer this to exercising), I check my phone for important updates, read my daily devotional and scripture passage, then pray, play a game of Solitaire, doze a bit, then read the paper, paying close attention to Pickles in the comic section.

At last, just like dessert, I open my latest book in Brian Jacques' Redwall Abbey series. My sweet husband gave me all 22 books for my birthday this year. Take me away! Brian Jacques actually wrote for children but adults love his writing, too. Our daughter collects the hardback editions from Half Priced Books and rereads them like I do. For my birthday, she gave me "The Redwall Cookbook," because she knows I'll lend it to her. 

Brian Jacques
I hope you find time to enjoy the things you love to do. If you like cozy mysteries, you may want to try The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series, the story of a gardening columnist turned amateur sleuth whose Yorkie companion, Teddy, helps her solve murders. Now, I really need to head to the couch!


~Nancy Jill

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Top 10 Summer Favorites

It's mid-July and kids are already buying back to school shoes! We grand dog sat in California, had a siblings reunion in Sedona, sang in the Fourth of July God and Country Concert at church with grand kids attending, and celebrated my birthday with family up in Frisco. Things are settling down now so here are my midsummer musings for my Top 10 Summer Favorites.

#1 Warm sun giving longer days and #2 a sense of relaxation are two of my favorite summer things. Not to mention food and drinks more popular now than in other seasons. Here are my favorites:
#3 Cantaloupe-My all time favorite fruit that I wait for all year long!

#4 Watermelon. Make mine seedless!

#5 Fresh Grilled Corn on the Cob with Mexican Topping

#6 BBQ Ribs - Thank you Costco!

#7 Bush's Baked Beans with Bacon and Brown Sugar. Just open the can and heat!

#8 Lemonade. I like the Simply kind.

#9 Getting Together with Family-My birthday is in July so it's a perfect excuse!

#10 Time to read all my favorite books. They are treasured belongings.

What about you? Do you head for the mountains or go to the beach? Do you like to BBQ? ( I made my husband give ours away-too much trouble to clean up!) Do you go on vacation or enjoy staying at home?  What books are you reading this summer?

Hope you're having a wonderful break whatever you're doing.


~Nancy Jill

Thursday, July 4, 2019

21 Etiquette Tips from Jillian Bradley, Amateur Sleuth

If amateur sleuth, Jillian Bradley, is anything, she's a lady, and for most of her adventures, a single one. Here are some tips that may help us remember ways to enhance how others see us. 


1. If a man knows that it is etiquette to remain standing until you are seated, be sure to sit promptly as to not leave him standing too long.

2. No rude or shocking language, especially at the table. Your language is a representation
of your mind and heart.

3. Don’t talk with your mouth full. I don’t need to explain this one.

4. She dresses tastefully: A lady dresses appropriately for the occasion.

5. Phone calls: When in doubt, a good rule of thumb is not to make phone calls before 9 am
or after 9 pm.

6. She is gracious: She never just says, “hello” when being introduced to someone. She offers
a kind greeting like, “it’s a pleasure to meet you” or “how are you this evening?”

7. She turns her phone on silent and puts it away for meals, meetings and church.

8. She says, “yes, please” or “no, thank you.” She does not say, “yep” or “nope.”

9. She gives compliments with sincerity and only when she means it. She does not say things
just to say them. Insincerity is easier to read than we think.

10. A lady offers to help someone in need. Being a lady starts with how you treat yourself and others. She offers her seat to the elderly, disabled or a parent with small children.

11. She RSVPs promptly, reads an invitation thoroughly and does not ask for exceptions. She always promptly sends a detailed thank you note to anyone who has shown her hospitality.

12. She never arrives empty handed. Bringing a small hostess gift shows your appreciation for
the preparation your host has done.

13. Her word is her bond. A lady warrants a respectable reputation purely by the consistency of
her word. She always keeps her promises.


14. Don’t call him, he’ll call you. A lady knows that she deserves to be pursued and does not do so. If you are in the position that you have to initiate contact in order to communicate, then you should know that you are not dealing with a gentleman and can move on.

15. Time frame: no one gets to call you on a whim to hang out. Your time is precious and valuable and you are clearly booked days in advance. Someone who honors your time will plan ahead and ask to take you out with at least a 48 hour request.

16. You don’t meet a guy anywhere. He comes and picks you up, especially on the first date.
It can be inconvenient, but is it your job to make dating you convenient? No. The last thing you want to be is convenient. However if you are meeting someone in person for the first time, meeting in a neutral location is a smart, safe move. Always honor your intuition.

17. Curfew: Mama always said nothing good happens past 10 o’ clock and she’s pretty much right. So set the time you need to be home in advance and let your gentleman know about it ahead of time.

18. Appreciation: Being a lady and acting lady-like does not mean that you are entitled or snobby. Practice having a heart of gratitude and always say thank you for specific actions or generosities.

19. How to order: Have respect for your gentleman and do not behave with entitlement by ordering the most expensive thing on the menu. If he wants to treat you to a fine bottle of wine, he can order it or offer for you to make a selection.

20. Be a good listener and conversationalist. Put your phone away and be present. A lady is not boring, rude or dismissive.

21. Be prepared. If you are going out with a gentleman, he will cover your date. However, you should always be prepared to pay if the date does not go well or he forgets his wallet. The gentleman version оf this article on says, “An English gentleman never split the meal with his date. The English used the term “go dutch” in “derisive application,” as they stereotyped the Dutch as being cheap, or “stingy.” Today, the gentleman always picks up the tab, especially on the first date, and with no expectations.”

Please feel free to add tips of your own. We always have room for improvement.

See you in my books!

~Nancy Jill

Special thanks to KDW for allowing me to share her post: 21 LOST LADY TRADITIONS THAT STILL APPLY TODAY
In Inspiration by Kristen Dalton Wolfe

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Paperbacks or eBooks?

Is it just me or am I a creature of habit to prefer reading paperback books? Like many readers, I upload eBooks on my Kindle app to my phone but I also order paperbacks. Boy, do I order paperbacks!

To me, they are treasures to enjoy again and again. Books on a device are out of sight and most of the time out of mind. And what do you think the future of books will be?

Do you have favorites? What about hardback verses paperback? My favorite collections are Agatha Christie mysteries and short stories, Dorothy Sayers mysteries and short stories, Murder She Wrote books by Donald Bain, The Hobbit and Trilogy of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien, and Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. For my birthday, my husband is giving me The Red Wall Series by Brian Jacques. It will coincide with my latest acquisition of The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter by Susan Whitig Albert. I adore Beatrix Potter and have all of her books, too.

Most of my books are paperback but the hardbacks, like Harry Potter and some classics, give my library a classy look. One thing's for sure, I'll never NOT have anything to do! I hope you'll try The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series. In them you'll find interesting settings, unusual plots, and an amateur sleuth who loves afternoon tea and her little Yorkie companion, Teddy, a sleuth in his own right. For the synopsis of each, you may check the book page: Books

By the way, the books come in paperback and eBook formats so the choice is up to you!

See you in my books!                        

~Nancy Jill