Monday, September 17, 2012


Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could plug ourselves in and recharge? For electrical devices we use chargers, for electronics we simply plug the cord into a socket. What about you and me though, especially on Monday mornings? Exercise, good nutrition and rest are important, however there's more. For me, goals are my main motivation. Wired that way I suppose, but it's not a bad thing. What about you? Is Monday your favorite day of the week? Only when I feel in control of my to-do list do I ever look forward to the first day of the work week. 
     Today was tough to get started, feeling overwhelmed with self-imposed deadlines to get "Waiting for Santa" edited for my great Beta Reader Team to peruse. Coupled with everyday tasks, I wanted to run away to Hawaii and veg. Instead, I put one foot in front of the other, made breakfast for my wonderful hubby, threw together a crock pot of chili beans and cleaned off the Adirondack chairs on the patio. Okay, I feel a little energy coming. Nope, went away again. Maybe if I sit and  read something inspirational and pray for God to give me strength...yep! That did it! Perfect scriptures from Isaiah now have me up and running, doing this blog post for instance. Perfect. Sheets are washed, cookies baked and I feel the coffee kicking in! Now on to my list - only nine more things to go. Have a great week, my friends.

~Nancy Jill