Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Came across a gold mine of positive ideas while on a Southwest flight last week. Found the article in their May 2012 in-flight magazine Spirit, rather aptly named.Written by David Hochman, a Los Angeles-based freelance writer, the article was filled with ideas worth living, all from an annual big-brain gathering in California known as TED, or the growing convergence of technology, entertainment, and design. To name just one from Regina Dugan; "Be nice to nerds,...we all have nerd power, we just forget...We let someone more capable take the lead. but there is no one else. Just you," she says. "If we're lucky, someone steps in, takes a hand and says, 'Let me help you believe.'" I'll be sharing more in later posts, but for now, I say, "I am one person who believes in you."
If you can't wait, visit http://www.TED.com