Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The older I get, the more I understand how important it is to practice kindness. We all face issues that might cause us to react angrily. For instance, our gardener has failed to perform the services we agreed upon. Our yard looks shamefully unkempt and is a poor reflection on our duty to maintain the upkeep we should be doing in our neighborhood. But we shouldn't get angry about the situation. What if something has happened in his family, or what if he is simply unable to keep his commitment? One should just kindly explain concern for their well-being and employ another service. By doing so, our fellow human being feels someone is concerned about his welfare more than the service he provides and simply cannot take offense at being replaced. Practicing kindness also diffuses anger that is debilitating and fills us with love and peace instead. Get angry? Or try kindness? A wise person will chose the latter.