Friday, March 23, 2012


Some people enjoy a fine glass of wine, others enjoy a cold one, but give me a large cappuccino at Mimi's Cafe anytime! For those of you who've never been to a Mimi's Cafe, here's what you've missed: Giant muffins (at least four different kinds including red velvet), delicious carrot bread served with every meal, wonderful French onion soup (the restaurant has a New Orleans flair),  and wonderful cappuccinos. My husband says the best descriptions I write are about food, but hey--that's what I've been doing for the past 52 years--cooking and eating out! I believe every person should not only have a few favorites in this world but should be able to indulge every so often. I like cheesecake, key lime pie, spaghetti and meatballs and cappuccinos. What are your favorites? More importantly, are you getting to enjoy them once in a while? I do hope so. Have a lovely day, dear friends.