After lunch is my FAVORITE time of day. It's reading time! I take off my glasses ( I'm nearsighted), gather my reading materials and phone, get all cozy on the couch with my microfiber throws and sail away!
While my body is rejuvenating ( I prefer this to exercising), I check my phone for important updates, read my daily devotional and scripture passage, then pray, play a game of Solitaire, doze a bit, then read the paper, paying close attention to Pickles in the comic section.
At last, just like dessert, I open my latest book in Brian Jacques' Redwall Abbey series. My sweet husband gave me all 22 books for my birthday this year. Take me away! Brian Jacques actually wrote for children but adults love his writing, too. Our daughter collects the hardback editions from Half Priced Books and rereads them like I do. For my birthday, she gave me "The Redwall Cookbook," because she knows I'll lend it to her.
Brian Jacques |
~Nancy Jill