Showing posts with label Queen of Afternoon Tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Queen of Afternoon Tea. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday - Where It All Began

Welcome to our tea party! 
I'm delighted you could join us. Let me pour you a cup of tea. Milk? Sugars? Please help yourself to sandwiches.
Since my protagonist, Jillian Bradley, enjoys afternoon tea as often as possible, I thought I'd share how and where it all began.

According to Twinings, afternoon tea, a quintessentially English tradition, is rumoured to date all the way back to 1662 when  Catherine of Braganza, King  Charles II of England's Portuguese wife, introduced tea to the royal court. But the afternoon tea menu, as we have come to know and love it, took quite a while to develop. 

By the late 1830s - early 1840s afternoon tea was evolving to become a social occasion and it's even hinted at in an unfinished Jane Austen novel from 1804,The Watsons.  

Vintage_Afternoon_TeaAround this time, it was usual to have a long gap between the relatively light 'luncheon' served around midday, and dinner served around 8pm.

The Duchess of Bedford was a close friend of Queen Victoria and a prominent figure within London society at the time. She requested that light sandwiches, tea and cake be brought to her in the late afternoon because she had a 'sinking feeling' due to the long gap between meals.

Over time, she started to invite close confidantes to join her in her rooms at Woburn Abbey, to exchange news and stories over tea and light refreshments, and gradually these kinds of afternoon teas became a tradition. (This is where Jillian Bradley picks up the tradition!)


Other social hostesses quickly picked up on the idea and the practice became respectable enough to move it into the drawing room.  This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880s upper-class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o'clock.

Nowadays, we may only dress up for tea on special occasion, but I've been to tea shops that  provide hats, just in case you want to! And look at us now - we enjoy afternoon tea together on Tea Party Tuesday at Queen of Afternoon Tea! 

I hope you'll get my free copy of "Murder in Half Moon Bay" (if you haven't already downloaded it) and begin the series filled with afternoon tea and adventure. 
All Jillian Bradley wants is to spend a quiet weekend by the ocean and enjoy her afternoon tea. But a startling discovery draws Jillian and her garden club friends into solving a mystery that threatens her life and changes her future.

'Murder in Half Moon Bay,' Book 1 in The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series, introduces Jillian's little companion 'Teddy,' a Yorkie who falls prey to danger but rises to become a sleuth dog in the next book.

      FREE on  Amazon   Kobo  Nook and Smashwords!


~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday - New Cookbook on the Scene

Welcome to our tea party today. Let me pour you a nice hot cup of Darjeeling and we'll get started. Milk? Sugars?

Do help yourself to the food - we have Scottish fare today, rather appropriate since my husband and I've been watching the "Monarch of the Glen" series on Netflix (for the second time).

I wanted to share a new cookbook that launched last week called "Cozy Food" edited by cozy mystery author and friend, Nancy Lynn Jarvis. I think you'll enjoy this unusual collection of recipes by 128 cozy mystery authors. Look for my Raisin Scones and Mock Devonshire Cream recipes inside.

Buy on
As I read each name I noted three in particular. The first was Camille Minichino, aka Margaret Grace, author of the Miniature Mystery series. In 2001, Camille signed one of her books for me wishing me well in my writing at the first literary conference I had ever attended. What an inspiration she was!

Please help yourself to a scone - they look absolutely delicious!

Sandra Balzo was another author who responded to a question I had. She was so gracious and kind and encouraged me to hang in there! She writes the Maggy Thorsen Mystery series and Main Street Murders.

Let me refill your cup.

Finally, Traci Tyne Hilton, a fellow collaborator on our Cozy Mystery Magazine blog has contributed a recipe to  Cozy Food. Traci writes cozy Christian fiction like I do and is a prolific author of the Plain Jane and Mitzy Newhaus Mystery series.
You may want to explore the back cover as a resource for finding new authors. I hope you'll get a copy and spread the word on the share buttons below!

Thank you for spending time with me today. I enjoyed the company.

~Nancy Jill
See you in my books!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday - My Favorite Shortbread Recipe

Welcome to our tea - let me pour you a nice hot cup and we'll have a nice chat. Today, I've made shortbread from a recipe I've had for ages. A dear friend by the name of Sherry Niemi gave it to me years ago when we used to meet for a weekly craft time and luncheon. There were four of us, perhaps the first garden club of sorts. 

The garden club began as an old fashioned sewing circle reminiscent of the one my husband's grandmother belonged to. Ladies would get together, sew, chat, and have lunch. Oh, what a fun time they had. I thought my friends and I could do the same, and so we did.

After I moved from Sacramento to the Bay Area of California, I continued the tradition with new friends. Whenever I bake the shortbread, though, I fondly remember our first group.

Let me refill your cup, and do have another cookie.

I don't know about you, but whenever I visit my grandchildren I love to bake. When my husband came with me on this last trip and saw all the baking I did, he asked why I didn't bake at home. I merely stated the obvious - we don't need the extra calories! Then I felt sorry for him so that's why I baked the shortbread today. The recipe is simple - I hope you'll try it sometime.

Scottish Shortbread
Yield: 1 doz. pressed cookies or 2 doz. rolled cookies
3/4 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1/2 cup chopped nuts ( I used salted mixed nuts for variety.)

Mix sugar and flour together, add butter and cut in with fingers or mixer.                     
   Add nuts.
 Mix well.

Press into cookie mold (or roll out on floured board and use a cookie cutter). 
 Place on ungreased cookie sheet (I like to use parchment paper), and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

 When you read the Jillian Bradley mysteries, I hope you'll experience the fun our garden clubs had every time we met. What about you? Do you get together with a group of friends on a regular basis?

Thanks for joining me today.


~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday - Grand Dogs and Baked Goods

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday! Let me pour you a nice cup of tea and we’ll chat awhile. Milk? Sugar? 

I’m serving one of my favorites today - blackberry sage from the Republic of Tea.

Have a sandwich. They’re walnut cream cheese on raisin bread. I learned to love walnuts living in California, but pecans are tasty, too.

This weekend my husband and I are grand dog sitting in California, which is delightful. The Bay Area weather right now is gorgeous! 
Anytime we can combine a visit with helping out we do so. He takes Chloe and Bailey for long walks and spends time playing with them while I bake goodies for the family.  So far I’ve made an oatmeal cake, a fresh strawberry pie, oatmeal raisin cookies and a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough to bake later.

The truth is I understand why working moms don’t bake like we used to. The cleanup alone is massive! Who has time? So when I visit it’s fun for me, and this way my husband and I don’t wind up eating all the goodies! 

May I refill your cup?

Please have a lemon and cranberry scone. There’s lemon curd inside. Aren’t they delicious?
Lemon and Cranberry Scones

Good news! Book 8 “The Long Trip Home” is ready for the proof reader and then off to the presses. This means I upload the file to Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Kobo, and Smashwords who then make it available to readers all over the world. I can’t wait to launch! 

Jillian and Teddy’s next adventure “The Killington Murders” will launch in October. The story is set during a fall color tour in Killington, Vermont. 

Caramel Turtle Cheesecake
Now for dessert. I thought this caramel turtle cheesecake would be good.

Thank you for joining me. I pray you all stay safe until we meet again.

~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday - Jillian's Garden Tips

How was your week? Last weekend we held our daughter's engagement party, and this weekend we celebrate our son's birthday and Easter. With so many exciting activities happening, I think I need a cup of tea. Won't you join me?

I thought we'd have our time together by the fire. It's been chilly for the past few days here in Texas. Spring seems to be so indecisive this year! What about in your area? 

Let me pour your tea. Today I'm serving English Breakfast, a favorite of mine.
Milk? Sugars? Please take whatever treats you like. I'm going to start with a curried chicken sandwich.

How many of you are on Pinterest - the site where boards are created to hold things of interest? It reminds me of scrapbooking only with links.

I think I'll try a lemon tart.

This week I created a board for Jillian's Garden Tips.

In my books, she sometimes shares from the Ask Jillian gardening column so I thought others might benefit from her knowledge. Plus it's such fun to find tips and pin them!  

May I refill your cup? 

Here's an excerpt  from my second book "The Ghost Orchid Murder."

It was time to get dressed, but I felt so lazy I decided to check my e-mails first. Everything was going well at the paper. Some ads for gardening paraphernalia I always received…click, delete; a comment from a reader saying they loved the last column on summer bulbs...enlightening; more solicitations for gardening tools…delete, and then I was finished. No personal messages, no family member in crisis, no one needing me in any way.
Maybe that was a good thing, but I couldn’t fool myself. Being needed was what life was all about. Did Vincent need me? That remained to be seen. I shut down my computer and got dressed just in time for room service.

Thanks for joining me today. I enjoyed our tea together. 
Hope to see you next week for Tea Party Tuesday.
In the meanwhile, Go Jillian and Teddy!

~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday

How many of you have a life that seems to be whizzing past? I believe we could all use a nice cup of tea and some yummy cookies. So welcome to Tea Party Tuesday!

Photo Courtesy Dianne Sherrill

As I rush about trying to keep up with household chores, preparing dinner, and keeping up with an extended family of sixteen, I wonder how others cope. 

I hear stories of people raising grandchildren, dealing with serious illnesses and surgeries, and finding ways to make ends meet when a breadwinner loses their job.

The only comfort I can take is placing my trust in God our heavenly father.  

As I study the Bible and worship with other believers each Sunday, I've learned to take one day at a time, do the best I can, and rest from my labors at least one day a week. 

Sometimes I like to stretch it to two days a week. When I do, the following week goes by much more productively. And that's one of the reasons I enjoy spending time with you during Tea Party Tuesday. 

Afternoon tea doesn't have to be complicated. A cup of tea and a few cookies can do quite nicely. You might want to try the chocolate covered shortbread if you haven't all ready. I've even found these at WalMart.  

 My mother-in-law used to buy WalMart's lemon filled and raspberry filled cookies that were to die for! You can also get your store's own brand.

CVS'S Version
Safeway's Brand

Afternoon tea, so much a part of the British culture, is also a wonderful time to take a break and rest from the day's activities. When we connect, the comments I receive act like a tonic of pure energy . 

This week I'm determined to finish the rewrite of "The Long Trip Home" Book 8 in the Jillian and Teddy books, because Sunday, we celebrate our youngest daughter's engagement. What a happy time we look forward to!

I hope you have a pleasant week and join me again next Tuesday for a lovely break together.

If you have another favorite store bought cookie, I'd love it if you'd share!

~Nancy Jill

Monday, March 11, 2013




Welcome! Let me pour you a nice cup of English Breakfast tea and we’ll get started. Please help yourself to some Jo Anne’s Chicken Salad Sandwiches. Your Dark Chocolate Cranberry Scones with Rebecca’s Anniversary Pears and Fast & Easy Clotted Cream can easily be dessert! Readers will find the recipes at the end of the interview.
Where do you live?
     I live in the community of Oatmeal outside Bertram.  Almost 1000 acres of the original property was purchased by my husband’s grandfather in the 1940’s.  Recently many of the younger generation have moved onto the land subdividing it, somewhat.  It is quite beautiful with mountains and a creek, called Cow Creek.  We have inherited his grandparents’ farmhouse and are lovingly restoring it.  We hope to modernize it but keep the historic value and memories.  Grandma’s wood cook stove will have a place of honor beside my modern double oven.
How are you published?
     I am an indie author, published through Create Space.
What are your hobbies?
     I recently taught myself to crochet.  I love to read.  I am also interested in genealogy, cooking & baking, and target shooting.
Tell us about your current book.
     I am working on Murder at the Mountain Creek Festival.  My killer thinks the little town of Mountain Creek is the perfect place to hide.  The idea came to me while fighting crowds and traffic at our annual Oatmeal Festival.  My character Hope runs a new Bed & Breakfast.   There is a wedding taking place there over Labor Day weekend.   
How did you become a writer?
     In the summer of 2011, I was driving to Port Aransas with my husband Boyd and our 3 girls.  I remarked that surely, as much as I like to read,  I could write a book.  Boyd really encouraged me to try.  I was certain that all it would take was a good opening line.  So I wrote one.  Then came the prologue.  By the time we finished our vacation, I had written 20 pages.  By Christmas I had 20 chapters.
How long did it take?
     I finished Carolina Key in about 10 months.  I was so sad when I finished!  The fun was gone. 
Where do you like to write?
     I homeschool the girls and I have a desk tucked into the corner of our library/schoolroom.  It’s not very glamorous but the view of the mountain outside my window overlooks Balcones Wildlife Refuge.  Boyd is converting Grandma’s old wash house into a writing studio for me.  I imagine I will have a porch swing out front for when writer’s block hits.
Favorite authors?
     Too many!! 
Jan Karon, Sue Grafton, Beverly Lewis, Jeanette Oke, P.L. Gaus, Wanda Brunstetter, Judith Miller.
How many books have you written?
     Carolina Key is my first.  I have 3 others started.  I expect to write about 5 more of the Mountain Creek series and then concentrate on some geneology romances.  Boyd’s family has some especially fascinating stories in their history.
We’d love a link to purchase!
And a link to your website?
Be sure to read my blog A View from Mountain Creek.  I will be posting the cover reveal for book 2 soon.  Thank you for having me to tea!
Elizabeth, it was my pleasure!

Here are the Elizabeth Truiett's recipes for today’s tea fare:
Dark Chocolate Cranberry Scones
I use the Pioneer Woman’s scone recipe but I add my own flair to it.
3 c flour                                           
1/3 c sugar                                         
5 t baking powder
1 t salt
2 sticks unsalted butter
1 egg
3/4c heavy cream
1 cup dark chocolate chips
1 c dried cranberries

Preheat oven to 350.  Stir together all dry ingredients.  Cut in butter.  Add egg and cream.  Mix.  Stir in chocolate chips and cranberries.  Turn onto a floured cutting board.  Knead into a smooth circle and pat down.  Cut into triangle shaped wedges.  Transfer to a greased baking pan or stone.  Bake 25 min.  Bottoms will be brown but light on top.  Cool slightly.  Serve warm with cold clotted cream and a mug of your favorite tea or coffee.

Fast & Easy Clotted Cream
My mother and I discovered clotted cream on a trip to London while I was in high school.  We’ve loved it ever since.  This is a very easy version.
3 o.z. cream cheese
1 c heavy whipping cream
3 T sugar
Let cream cheese soften then mix ingredients in a mason jar.  Shake well.  It is best if you let it sit refrigerated 24 hours.

Rebecca’s Anniversary Pears
1 sliced & cored red pear
1 sliced & cored green pear
Mix 1 T of cherry preserves and 1Tof orange marmalade together for dipping sauce. Anne’s Chicken Salad
Start with 2 cans of chicken or 1lb. of cooked, shredded chicken.
Add your favorite ingredients.  We like: chopped onion, sliced boiled eggs
(about 4), sliced black olives, dill relish, and black pepper.  Top and stir with your favorite mayo, miracle whip or try a dash (1T) of horseradish.

Luscious Latte Punch
10 c hot brewed coffee
1 c sugar
Dissolve sugar in hot coffee and refrigerate overnight.
3 c nonfat milk
½ c chocolate syrup
tub of coffee ice cream
Scoop ice cream into punch bowl.  Add milk, coffee, and syrup.  Stir.  This recipe will be served at the bridal brunch in Mountain Creek Mystery Book 2