Showing posts with label patience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patience. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


 Benjamin Franklin said:

"GENIUS IS NOTHING BUT A GREATER APTITUDE FOR PATIENCE." if we hang in there long enough and persevere, whatever our aim just might be well regarded as such. I thought this quote was quite provoking. As I considered people whom I regarded as geniuses, I thought of Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb. How many times did he fail? Countless. He believed in hard work, sometimes working twenty hours a day. Edison was quoted as saying, "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." But because of his patience he created the source of most of the power we all use today. Pretty amazing. I for one am going to exercise more patience. Patience in my writing, patience in my editing, and most of all, patience in the journey of being a successful author. In what area in your life do you need more patience? Do certain individuals come to mind when you think of the word "genius?"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I almost lost it today over a very silly thing. And yes, it was technical, which I find challenging as usual. It wasn't that the steps I had to do were difficult; they were just boring and tedious. The poor service rep was doing his best to help me understand why I had to jump through all the hoops, but the more he tried explaining the reasons I had to do it a certain way, the more impatient I became. I must admit, even though I was frustrated, I managed to end the conversation gracefully, which is important if I am to set an example of how one is to live graciously. Oh Lord, give me patience...And give it to me now...

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Ah, Sunday. Day of rest and worship for we Christians. Even so, I believe it's good to rest one day out of seven. My friends and family in California are going to Monterrey for the weekend. It's so much fun to visit the wharf, grabbing a bread bowl filled with steaming clam chowder, looking through unique shops, and then stopping to enjoy a monstrous hot fudge sundae at the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory. The day here in Austin was beautiful outside, many chose to leave the house and enjoy the lovely weather. I'm happy for them. I would have loved to pour myself a nice hot cup of tea and sit in my Adirondack chair on the front porch and drink in the early Spring. To feel the warm sunshine on my face for a 15 minute dose of Vitamin D would have been lovely indeed. But alas, allergies keep me indoors. I'll be patient until they pass and when they do, you'll find me on my front porch, having a cup of tea, or taking a short walk to see how the neighborhood is faring. Enjoy these beautiful days for me, dear friends.