Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Monday, December 17, 2012

In the Wake of Sadness - There is Hope

Once upon a time, there lived a happy young couple, friends of ours, who had two adorable little girls, aged five and three. Their dad was a successful business man, and their mom was a pretty young housewife with a radiant smile. The couple took their little girls to Sunday School and church every Sunday, and lived exemplary lives.

One day, as the little family was running errands and doing some Saturday shopping, they came to a stoplight. Just as their car stopped, a drunk driver rear-ended them, sending one little girl through the front windshield and the other through a back seat window. Both children died on impact, leaving the young couple in a state of utter shock and disbelief.

After the funerals, the couple attended the court session for the young man who was responsible for killing their little girls. But because they were Christians, they openly forgave the man and he walked free.

Unlike many who suffer tragic loss and live in never-ending grief, this couple chose to accept the deaths of their two daughters and trusted God to work His will for them. And He did.

I believe it was only about two years after the tragedy that a son was born to them, and later, another son was added to their family. Since we moved away, that was the last update I had on this couple.

The way they handled the horrible incident has stayed with me through the years. When I hear of gunmen ending peoples lives so senselessly as in this past week in Oregon and Connecticut, I pray that those who mourn will be comforted. Not only do I pray for God to comfort them, I pray they will seek God's perfect will for their lives as they have to move on.

I've been criticized for sharing my faith on occasion in the Jillian Bradley Mysteries, but when I've seen God's hand in the lives of people I know, seen the way He answers prayer and meets our needs, I cannot help but share about His wonderful love.

Thanks for letting me share this week. And thank you for continued prayer for the friends and families who lost their loved ones. 

If you have similar stories of  families conquering grief, I'd love to hear them.

~Nancy Jill

Thursday, July 5, 2012


You've probably read about my mom on my blog a few times, but if you haven't, just know that she's 87 going on 88 in September. When you get to be that old sometimes you think you should just sit down and fade away. After all, how can a person keep up with all the new technology? 

I challenged her, no, strongly encouraged her to get an iPhone and an iPad so she would have a life. Don't get me wrong - she attends Sunday School and church, plays bridge once a week, volunteers at the homeless shelter once a month etc., but it's still not enough when she has so much time on her hands now that she's living alone. Quite honestly, I never thought she'd take the plunge. But she did! 

You should see how happy she is being able to talk to her kiddos on Face Time, see photos on Facebook on such a nifty size screen and being able to do everything she used to do on her computer, where ever she chooses. And wait until she can read my books on a lighted screen in bed. She's going to love it! Transformation from a boring existence to joining the world online. Amazing. Can't wait for Christmas when I get one. Have an incredible day, my friends. 

~Nancy Jill

Sunday, July 1, 2012



Thursday, May 10, 2012


There was once a man named Joel who wanted to learn to sing more than anything in the world! When he began singing once in a while for the church services, people cringed at his voice. Get the hook, they thought. (I thought so, too.) Joel was undaunted and spent time and money on voice lessons, learning technique and practicing in the evenings after work . He sang several more times and after a few months, something started to happen: He got better! Finally, one Sunday morning, Joel got up to sing, confident and smiling! The song was perfectly sung. No one cringed. I was amazed! I knew this man had hope that one day, he would be able to sing praises to God. Hope gives you wings to believe in accomplishing your dreams and goals. I hope to be a good writer one day. What do you hope for, my friends? May your day be blessed!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


It happened today. An author's dream came true and her hope was realized. Tonya Kappes was picked up by a publishing agent and is on her way as a truly successful author. She works hard at not only her craft, but at all the hats she's wearing to make herself succeed. Hats off, Tonya! You give the rest of us authors hope. Congratulations!