Showing posts with label Waiting for Santa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waiting for Santa. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2012

Turkey Reprieve! Yes!

Thanksgiving is racing toward our house at breakneck speed! Perhaps the reason is due to our days being filled to the hilt with work deadlines. Craziness! With my husband being a strategic consultant and me being an author, that would explain the never ending pressure we feel to perform. Sigh. But Mr. Turkey and family members will be here Thursday, regardless of what else is going on. I've barely had time to reflect on what I'm thankful for! 

With so many of people on the east coast suffering from the aftermath of Sandy (my nephew is just now getting the tree threatening to fall on his house cut down), I can't imagine what their Thanksgiving will be like. God has been so gracious to my husband and I. We're humbled by all the blessings He's given us this year. 

Now, this particular blessing may sound rather unimportant to some of you, but turkey bakers may relate. I'm extremely grateful this year that our oldest son is cooking the turkey in his green egg. Yes, it's a barbeque shaped like an egg and green. You see, at this stage of the game for we grandmas and grandpas, the older children now begin to pitch in and provide for part of the Thanksgiving Dinner. No huge turkey hogging the oven! No spattering the oven walls, either, and best of all, no turkey fat to deal with! Ever clean up a turkey pan? So, even as the Feast of the Year barrels toward our house, the turkey being provided takes away a huge part of the stress of the day. Now, if I could just get around having to clean the house...

All kidding aside, I did want to take this opportunity to tell you how thankful I am for you readers. Like Clint Eastwood said once, "Go ahead--make my day!" And you do. When you write a nice review, post or tweet that you like my books, or click the like button on posts I've written, you make my day! Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. 

~Nancy Jill

Monday, November 12, 2012

Poll Results - We Have a Winner!

Hey Jillian and Teddy fans! The results are in and we have a winner! Congratulations to Don Wilson! He wins a signed copy of "Waiting for Santa"due to launch this month.


Here's how you voted:

1. a  Most readers heard of the books through word of mouth.  

2. d  Most readers read the entire series.

3. a  Most readers gave a 5 Star Rating.

4. a  50% of readers wrote a review.  b. 50 % of readers did not write a review, yet.

5. c  Most readers both purchased and downloaded the books for free.

This was an awesome poll! I appreciate your honesty, and will anticipate doing it again next year. 

Have a great week, dear readers, and remember to take a little time to brighten someones day. You've brightened mine!

~Nancy Jill

Thursday, November 1, 2012

When the Power Goes Out! by Nancy Jill Thames


Hurricane Sandy was quite a storm! Sadly, some scientists are predicting more of the same... and worse in the coming days. People are left with ruined homes, cars crushed by trees, and a huge mess to clean up. My heart aches for all who are dealing with these issues.

I can remember the power going out a few years ago in California when a large electrical system failed. Neighbors came to our house since we had a barbeque grill which used charcoal. We were able to eat hot food and keep warm. Candlelight provided us with a way to see in the darkness. In that scenario, we were fortunate to have power restored the next day. The east coast and the gulf coast were not as fortunate.

The repercussions of such a massive storm will last for months, if not years. Perhaps more children will be born as a result of the darkness and lack of activity - maybe someone will take the opportunity to eliminate an old enemy under the cover of downed services and chaos.

"Waiting for Santa," by sheer coincidence, is written with such a plot. The power failure doesn't last long, but the murderer takes full advantage of the situation. I hope you enjoy the story due out at the end of this month.

Stay safe, dear readers.

~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I truly believe that nothing is impossible. There are authors who have run circles around me publishing many more novels a year than I do. How do they do it? I know one thing they do. They plan. A timeline is crucial for completing any goal. It's the first step to seeing your dream come into focus and what an exciting one! My timeline for Book 6 in The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series "WAITING FOR SANTA" is set. My running shoes are on and the starting gun has fired. Nothing is impossible, but you must be willing to make a plan and then go for it! I hope you are going for whatever dream you have. Good luck on your journeys to all of you, dear friends!