Monday, November 19, 2012

Turkey Reprieve! Yes!

Thanksgiving is racing toward our house at breakneck speed! Perhaps the reason is due to our days being filled to the hilt with work deadlines. Craziness! With my husband being a strategic consultant and me being an author, that would explain the never ending pressure we feel to perform. Sigh. But Mr. Turkey and family members will be here Thursday, regardless of what else is going on. I've barely had time to reflect on what I'm thankful for! 

With so many of people on the east coast suffering from the aftermath of Sandy (my nephew is just now getting the tree threatening to fall on his house cut down), I can't imagine what their Thanksgiving will be like. God has been so gracious to my husband and I. We're humbled by all the blessings He's given us this year. 

Now, this particular blessing may sound rather unimportant to some of you, but turkey bakers may relate. I'm extremely grateful this year that our oldest son is cooking the turkey in his green egg. Yes, it's a barbeque shaped like an egg and green. You see, at this stage of the game for we grandmas and grandpas, the older children now begin to pitch in and provide for part of the Thanksgiving Dinner. No huge turkey hogging the oven! No spattering the oven walls, either, and best of all, no turkey fat to deal with! Ever clean up a turkey pan? So, even as the Feast of the Year barrels toward our house, the turkey being provided takes away a huge part of the stress of the day. Now, if I could just get around having to clean the house...

All kidding aside, I did want to take this opportunity to tell you how thankful I am for you readers. Like Clint Eastwood said once, "Go ahead--make my day!" And you do. When you write a nice review, post or tweet that you like my books, or click the like button on posts I've written, you make my day! Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. 

~Nancy Jill

Monday, November 12, 2012

Poll Results - We Have a Winner!

Hey Jillian and Teddy fans! The results are in and we have a winner! Congratulations to Don Wilson! He wins a signed copy of "Waiting for Santa"due to launch this month.


Here's how you voted:

1. a  Most readers heard of the books through word of mouth.  

2. d  Most readers read the entire series.

3. a  Most readers gave a 5 Star Rating.

4. a  50% of readers wrote a review.  b. 50 % of readers did not write a review, yet.

5. c  Most readers both purchased and downloaded the books for free.

This was an awesome poll! I appreciate your honesty, and will anticipate doing it again next year. 

Have a great week, dear readers, and remember to take a little time to brighten someones day. You've brightened mine!

~Nancy Jill

Monday, November 5, 2012


Who wants a signed paperback copy of "Waiting for Santa" hot off the press? 

You've probably heard of "focus groups" where random samples of community members come together to discuss issues regarding the community. My husband uses them occasionally in his work and the results are sometimes shocking! Since authors rely on reviews and social media feedback to gauge their audience's reaction, I thought I might do the same. 

Reviews are great insight into an author's work, but only a small fraction of readers write reviews. Polls can be an easier device to measure a reader base - if the readers will comment. I hope you'll take the time to do so.

Here are the questions:

1. How did you discover the Jillian Bradley Mysteries?

a.  word of mouth
b.  mentioned on a blog
c.  mentioned on Facebook
d.  mentioned on Twitter
e.  promoted by Amazon

2. If you read "Murder in Half Moon Bay" did you read or buy:

a.  book 2 "The Ghost Orchid Murder"
b.  book 2 and book 3 "From the Clutches of Evil"
c.  book 2, book 3 and book 4 "The Mark of Eden"
d.  book 2, book 3, book 4 and book 5 "Pacific Beach"
e.  none of the above

3. Overall, would you rate the books:

a.  5-Stars
b.  4-Stars
c.  3-Stars
d.  2-Stars
e.  1-Star

4. Have you written a review for any of the books?

a.  yes
b.  no

5. Finally, do you purchase the books or get them when they're free?

a.  purchase only
b.  get free only
c.  purchase and get free

Please leave your answers in a comment. Example 1. a, 2. d etc. 

 Please join this site if you're new (box to the right) and include your email to receive your winning copy!  

Winner of my new book will be announced Monday, November 12, 2012. 

Your input is much appreciated. I'm always striving to improve my work for your enjoyment in any way possible. Poll results will be posted with the winning comment selected. My hubby will draw the winner. Good luck pollsters!

Have a great weekend, my friends!

~Nancy Jill

Thursday, November 1, 2012

When the Power Goes Out! by Nancy Jill Thames


Hurricane Sandy was quite a storm! Sadly, some scientists are predicting more of the same... and worse in the coming days. People are left with ruined homes, cars crushed by trees, and a huge mess to clean up. My heart aches for all who are dealing with these issues.

I can remember the power going out a few years ago in California when a large electrical system failed. Neighbors came to our house since we had a barbeque grill which used charcoal. We were able to eat hot food and keep warm. Candlelight provided us with a way to see in the darkness. In that scenario, we were fortunate to have power restored the next day. The east coast and the gulf coast were not as fortunate.

The repercussions of such a massive storm will last for months, if not years. Perhaps more children will be born as a result of the darkness and lack of activity - maybe someone will take the opportunity to eliminate an old enemy under the cover of downed services and chaos.

"Waiting for Santa," by sheer coincidence, is written with such a plot. The power failure doesn't last long, but the murderer takes full advantage of the situation. I hope you enjoy the story due out at the end of this month.

Stay safe, dear readers.

~Nancy Jill

Monday, October 22, 2012

And the point is...

Family Members
Ever wonder if you are in control of things, or just the opposite? For instance, last week I truly believed I was in control of every detail of the wedding week from my end. Really. Then the guests left, the caterer came and took his equipment back and I put my house back together, leaving only the guest linen laundry (14 loads of sheets, towels and blankets). So far, so good. 

But then I study the big picture and realize life is going in slow motion. Sure, taking care of details is mind boggling and fun, but what really happens is a family heritage builds, slowly and surely. As one son marries, grandchildren grow older and so do I. 
My Mother and Me

In the midst of celebrating life's wonderful milestones, time passes slowly. What will remain after I'm no longer a part of this world? Hopefully, fond memories of a daughter, wife, mother and grandma who loved lavishing attention on her family members and yes, even memories of the books I'll have written that loosely document the wonderful times we've shared. 

How are you spending your days? Happily working at your job or career? Making warm memories of love and laughter for those you love? The point is, how we spend the few moments of time we're each given is really up to us. I'm choosing to create great times our family can remember and share.

Like the song says, "May your days be merry and bright... "

~Nancy Jill

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wedding Week!

With arms full of love, this coming Saturday, October 20, 2012, I will release my son into the arms of his beloved. All the planning is finished as we await the day with great expectations of happiness and joy. Will it compare to the joy of being the most important woman in his life for these past many years? The answer is definitely yes! There can be no greater happiness wished for my son than to see him happily married. The baton of mothering will now be passed to his wife, who I believe will care for him with as much love and affection as I have these past 25 years. 

God blessed me with four wonderful children, two of which were born to me in late life. Two are married, and Saturday's wedding marks number three. God has also provided them with treasured mates, answers to years of prayer by my husband and me. I'm so grateful for this wedding week - my heart is brimming with appreciation for the Lord's blessings. As a result, the 39 details that must be accomplished feel like 39 happy steps to that wonderful day on Saturday, when Mike and Catherine become one. And just think, this is only the beginning! With six grandchildren in my quiver, there is always room for more!

Hope you all have a great week - I know I sure will!

~Nancy Jill

Friday, October 5, 2012

Gift Time!

Free This Weekend on!

This weekend we are having a ball with my brother and sister-in-law visiting from California. Lots of great restaurants and shopping to sample here in Austin, and tomorrow it's the River Walk in San Antonio. I hope you're going to have a nice weekend, too. And if you haven't read any of the Jillian Bradley mysteries, please enjoy a free Kindle copy of my first book, "Murder in Half Moon Bay," to get started. See you Monday!

~Nancy Jill

Monday, October 1, 2012

Meet Celebrity Author Rhonda Patton: Overcomer

I'm interviewing author Rhonda Patton on "Queen of Afternoon Tea" Celebrity Author Interviews this month. Please join us for tea fare and a yummy dessert.
 Have a wonderful week, dear friends!

~Nancy Jill


Monday, September 24, 2012


Last week was a total bummer! Health issues, traveling with suitcases that were too heavy, and thinking I may die was not fun! But, hey - I'm ready to put it all behind and get on with today.

Love Tigger! Always bouncing and laughing at life. Reminds me of myself - except for weeks like that last one! Just wanted to share my thanks for your thoughts and prayers and let you know they worked! 

Have a great week, dear friends, and remember to keep bouncing!

~Nancy Jill

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Need Your Friend Power

Having heart issues and would appreciate your thoughts & prayers. Thank you, dear friends. Have a lovely day.

~Nancy Jill

Monday, September 17, 2012


Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could plug ourselves in and recharge? For electrical devices we use chargers, for electronics we simply plug the cord into a socket. What about you and me though, especially on Monday mornings? Exercise, good nutrition and rest are important, however there's more. For me, goals are my main motivation. Wired that way I suppose, but it's not a bad thing. What about you? Is Monday your favorite day of the week? Only when I feel in control of my to-do list do I ever look forward to the first day of the work week. 
     Today was tough to get started, feeling overwhelmed with self-imposed deadlines to get "Waiting for Santa" edited for my great Beta Reader Team to peruse. Coupled with everyday tasks, I wanted to run away to Hawaii and veg. Instead, I put one foot in front of the other, made breakfast for my wonderful hubby, threw together a crock pot of chili beans and cleaned off the Adirondack chairs on the patio. Okay, I feel a little energy coming. Nope, went away again. Maybe if I sit and  read something inspirational and pray for God to give me strength...yep! That did it! Perfect scriptures from Isaiah now have me up and running, doing this blog post for instance. Perfect. Sheets are washed, cookies baked and I feel the coffee kicking in! Now on to my list - only nine more things to go. Have a great week, my friends.

~Nancy Jill

Friday, September 14, 2012



If you don't have Book 2 yet, please be my guest to receive a free copy
(a $2.99-$11.99 Value) this weekend! A story of murder, love and devotion.

by Nancy Jill Thames

It's been eight years since gardening columnist Jillian Bradley helped solve a string of murders in Half Moon Bay. But when a friend and colleague in Scottsdale, Arizona finds a young technical assistant dead on the floor of his private office, Jillian doesn't hesitate to answer his plea for help in the investigation. After all, a $2 million research grant depends on it.
    Together with Detective Jack Noble and Jillian's clue sniffing dog, Teddy, the three set out to track the killer who leaves a porcelain orchid over the wound as the only clue. Even though it means personal sacrifice for Jillian, she is determined to uncover the truth. A faith-based novel.

Available on  SEPTEMBER 15-17, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012



"And the Whippoorwill Sang" is a deathbed promise I made to my lost child. When she was struck down by a drunk driver, her spinal cord severed, and left in a semi-coma for ten of the longest days of our lives, I told her I would make sure the world knew who and what she was; so that her death would not be in vain. As close as our large family was, when Noelle died, we all went our separate ways, unable to comfort each other. One of her sisters became bulimic and suicidal, a brother raced cars to tempt God to take him as well, her other brother had to be constantly pulled back from going after the repeated offender drunk driver who caused our world to dim without Noelle’s presence. Her oldest sister could not handle our great sorrow and stayed away on her own, while her youngest sister was plagued with anxiety and panic attacks at the age of eleven. Her father did not speak her name for five years and barely ever after that. As for me, I wrote. I could not speak or share so I wrote. The short story of the book was published by Victimology; an International Magazine. I wrote slice of life stories about her and all the kids for my new local daily newspaper, which led to a career in Journalism. I started the book about four years after her death, but life stepped in and I had to put it aside for years. When I was able to continue it, I realized the block when I came to the part before she died. My kids, many of whom also had memory loss, helped as we forced ourselves to remember—that and a deadline from my publisher finally got the book done. 


She's giving away a free signed copy of her book.  Please see the interview for details. Have a great week, dear friends.

~Nancy Jill

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


So grateful for these new FIVE-STAR reviews. 
Thank you, dear readers!

5.0 out of 5 stars What a special blessing September 2, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition
when one finds that a friend is a skilled writer! I just had the pleasure of reading my first Jillian Bradley Mystery, likely not the last, feeling exhausted from my exciting trip to glorious California (my husband and I consider it our second home!).......that's how delicious the descriptive writing was. I also enjoyed a faith based novel, fun and easy reading, perfect for this holiday weekend. And the most delightful aspect was precious Teddy, a sweetly written doggie character I so wish I could invite to play with my cocker. All in all, a lovely story from a lovely lady!

5.0 out of 5 stars Pacific Beach (A Jillian Bradley Mystery) August 31, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
Jillian Bradley had a mystery come knocking. She couldn't ignore it; her family was involved.

Nancy Jill Thames allows the plot of Pacific Beach to unfold and the suspense to build with an expertise that keeps her readers guessing. I like that this cozy mystery has positive family values. I love that even her dog becomes a well-rounded character.

I'm looking forward to "Waiting for Santa."

5.0 out of 5 stars Discovered a new Author 31 Mar 2012 
By Caza
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase

One of the best things about Kindle freebies is discovering a new Author. Nancy Jill Thames is a real find, her heroine Jillian Bradley sends up arrow prayers throughout the day just like I operate, and owns a Yorkie named Teddy, just like I would love! An easy read, full of mystery and murders and I was confident I would not come across any unnecessary - aren't they all - swear words. I will be purchasing the rest of her books for my next holiday.

5.0 out of 5 stars Let's go to SAN DIEGO!! August 9, 2012
Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase

For those of you who have been there you know it's easy to love San Diego. This author "aces" capturing the ambiance of San Diego in a resort setting. I could feel the warmth of the sun and the relaxing atmosphere laying around the pool with different characters in the book. The murder mystery was believable but not predictable. This author is just getting better with each book.

5.0 out of 5 stars Worthwhile!, August 9, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Murder in Half Moon Bay (The Jillian Bradley Mysteries, Vol. 1) (Paperback)
What a fun read!! I enjoyed the author's descriptions and her ability to "put me" in the room with the characters. I fell in love with her dog "Teddy" and having him involved with the story was refreshing. I looked forward to the time I spent reading this book and am excited about reading more from this author. Great Book!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


 Benjamin Franklin said:

"GENIUS IS NOTHING BUT A GREATER APTITUDE FOR PATIENCE." if we hang in there long enough and persevere, whatever our aim just might be well regarded as such. I thought this quote was quite provoking. As I considered people whom I regarded as geniuses, I thought of Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb. How many times did he fail? Countless. He believed in hard work, sometimes working twenty hours a day. Edison was quoted as saying, "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." But because of his patience he created the source of most of the power we all use today. Pretty amazing. I for one am going to exercise more patience. Patience in my writing, patience in my editing, and most of all, patience in the journey of being a successful author. In what area in your life do you need more patience? Do certain individuals come to mind when you think of the word "genius?"

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Love the Dove wrapper quote that says, "Forget the rules and play by your heart." Sure, we can get criticized for following our dreams - but what should that tell us? Most of the critics wished they had our drive to go after their goals. From the past two years of being an author I've learned many important lessons. But the most important one is to follow my heart.

A few years ago my husband shared a truth that has made a huge difference in my attitude. He said, "No one else can make you happy." Living by this principal each day has made the difference between my being negative (blaming my failure on someone else) or being positive (if it is to be, it's up to me!). The feeling from taking responsibility for my own success is liberating!

Matt Patterson is "King of the Week" on "Queen of Afternoon Tea" Celebrity Author Interviews this week. Here is a man who faced adversity but used his situation to help others living through the same nightmare. I hope you'll read the article, make a comment and if you haven't followed already, take this opportunity to sign up by e-mail. Matt is giving away a copy of his book "My Emily" to a lucky commenter/new follower.

Have a wonderful day, dear friends!

~Nancy Jill

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Lovely Award for my Blog!

My good friend across the sea Juliet Greenwood has nominated me for this lovely award! Thank you so much for the honor, Juliet! She has been my guest on "Queen of Afternoon Tea" and gave a delightful interview about her new book EDEN'S GARDEN. You may read all about her by clicking the link to the book.

 As part of the criteria for receiving this award, I'm asked to list ten things about myself and nominate six blogs I think deserve the Kreativ Blogger Award. So here goes:

1. My favorite place to visit is Disneyland.

2. My best vacation was taking a month long trip to New York, France and Great Britain to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary.

3. My pet is a stray marmalade cat named Kitty Boy.

4. My favorite season of the year is Winter since I love sitting by the fire and drinking cups of tea.

5. I never go swimming because I don't want my hair to get wet.

6. I have a seashell collection.

7. I own 44 china teacups.

8. I play classical piano.

9. I'm an artist with my paintings hanging all over my house.

10. I adore gloomy weather.

And my six nominees for their creative, inspirational and informative blogs are:

1. D.D. Scott for The Writers Guide to E-Publishing

2. Cindy Ragsdale for Short Mysteries and Tall Tales

3. Deborah Malone for Sleuths and Suspects 

4. Catherine Fruiesen for Bleats from God's Sheep

5. Paulette Harper Johnson for The Spotlight Is on You

6. Naty Matos for The Rising Muse

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012


It's true! I drive my husband nuts! Well, at least some of the time. Childlike in my approach to life, I'm constantly learning things I never knew before - like a driver's license is only required at the ticket counter if you're checking bags. My husband looked at me ruefully as I tried offering my license to the agent. Right - we're only checking one bag - got it!

The journey as an author is one of constantly learning new things as well. In fact, the whole process is an incredible learning experience! Sometimes it takes three days to edit one chapter learning how to use a new editing site. Or learning how to show something happening in the story instead of telling what's happening. Not easy! But not impossible either - I just have to learn the craft. 

One author friend of mind, C. L. Ragsdale has this showing business down! I read all four of her Reboot Files within a couple of days. She's having tea with me this week over at "Queen of Afternoon Tea." 

She's giving away a copy of her first book "The Mystery of Hurtleberry House" to a lucky winner who leaves a comment and follows "Queen of Afternoon Tea."

 The winner of "Extraordinary Dreams of an Ireland Traveler" by Rosemary Adkins is Linneann. Congratulations! She commented and started following "Queen of Afternoon Tea" this week.

Have you learned anything new recently? Learning does keep life interesting. Have a great week, dear friends!

~Nancy Jill

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

You Still Have a Chance to Win! COFFEE TABLE BOOK GIVEAWAY!

Enter to Win!

Rosemary Adkins is "Queen of the Week"on "Queen of Afternoon Tea" Celebrity Author Interviews this week and is giving away a copy of her beautiful book.

To win a free copy of "Extraordinary Dreams of an Ireland Traveler" all you have to do is:

- visit "Queen of Afternoon Tea"
- leave a comment about the interview
- follow Queen of Afternoon Tea
- leave your e-mail address so we can notify you if you are the winner.

That's it! Winner will be notified right here and on "Queen of Afternoon Tea" Monday, August 20, 2012.  Good luck! Have a lovely weekend, dear friends!

~Nancy Jill 

Monday, August 13, 2012


Wow! Have you ever been so busy you don't even know what day it is? That's how I feel after my free five day promotion for "Murder in Half Moon Bay." But today is Monday (again) and there's much to be thankful for. Someone posted an all time best-sellers book list with the Bible on one end and The Diary of Anne Frank on the other. If you've never read either - you may want to see what the raving is all about.
   I think for me The Diary of Anne Frank left a lasting impression that life is all about attitude. Anne Frank chose to see the good in people in spite of her hopeless situation being caught up in the Holocaust. Even though it's Monday - the day for most people to get back to work, I'm choosing to look upon today with good anticipation for what will happen. I wish you a good day too, my friends.

Please check out my interview with Rosemary Adkins on "Queen of Afternoon Tea" this week and enter the give away of her book "Extraordinary Dreams of an Ireland Traveler."

Wednesday, August 8, 2012





 AUG 8-12, 2012

As a way of introducing you to the Jillian Bradley Mysteries, I'm giving the first book away as a free kindle book for the next five days. I hope you'll take advantage of this offer (a $2.99 value) and get to know Jillian and her friends. I plan on writing eight books in the series so I hope you'll read all of them if they are your "cup of tea." Have a great week! See you next Wednesday for a new post.

Here's the preview -


Click to order for free!
Did the woman jump or was she pushed over the balcony? When the shocking murder disrupts the West Coast Garden Club Society's second annual conference, Jillian Bradley and her garden club friends join with Chief Frank Viscuglia to find the killer. Jillian and her friends move through the Ritz-Carlton hotel to private mansions searching for the truth, pausing for afternoon tea along the way, of course. The unlikely team helps the chief uncover a series of mysterious events that lead to solving several murders, both past and present. Could it be the mean spirited conference director? Perhaps it's the wealthy widow on the make for her next husband; or maybe the killer is the haughty business woman who shows no regard for her brow beaten husband.

"Murder in Half Moon Bay," first book in the Jillian Bradley Mystery series, introduces Jillian's little companion 'Teddy,' a Yorkie who falls prey to danger but rises to become sleuth dog in the next book.


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Interview and Giveaway with Nancy Jill Thames

Please welcome Nancy Jill Thames to Sleuths and Suspects. She has graciously agreed to give one of her paper back cozy mysteries (a $9.89 value) to one person who leaves a comment. The winner will be chosen by Without further ado here is our interview with Jill.

Interview Questions/Sleuths and Suspects Blog
1.       Tell us a little about yourself. My dad was in the Air Force so we traveled and moved around a lot. I lived in places like Casablanca, Morocco, Valdosta, Georgia and Las Vegas, Nevada, which gave me a sense of adventure. I’m just an average housewife who loves to entertain, or used to. Now that the kids have flown the nest, I decided to finish a book I’d started writing years ago, “Murder in Half Moon Bay” and do a series – just for kicks. I needed a needed a creative outlet. I have a degree in music and love playing classical piano but one can’t play the piano all day! My faith in God has led me all my life and He’s been so faithful. Traveling with my husband on his business trips gives me the ideas to base my books on.
2.       Tell us about your most recent book/or the book we are focusing on. “Pacific Beach” is a mystery based on my family reunion that has been going on for 19 years. We’ve met in Pacific Beach for at least 14 of those. My protagonist, Jillian Bradley, is a gardening columnist for the San Francisco Enterprise. Her nephew, Chase Campbell, is accused of murdering a young starlet and her mother. The detective is based on my brother who is a retired sheriff. Teddy, Jillian’s Yorkie companion, uses his instincts to help her solve the homicides as he does in all of her adventures. There will be eight books in the series; “Pacific Beach” is number five.
3.       Why did you choose this particular genre? Actually, truth be told, I got bored with reading the same author over and over. Ten years ago, I wasn’t aware of any other cozy authors except for Agatha Christie. I’d read all 80 of her books, two or three times each and believed I could come up with a sleuth, settings and plots. And I did.
4.       What was your journey to publication like? I tell people if you want to publish a book, go to CreateSpace on and follow the yellow brick road. Because I didn’t know anything about publishing, I simply learned by doing. It started with doing a blog posting a chapter a week for “Murder in Half Moon Bay” until a local paper got wind of it and did an interview about me. After that, I raced to get it finished and published it 7 months later. I laid out a plan to publish a book every 6 months for 4 years until the series was complete.
5.       What are a couple of your favorite books and what are you reading now? Loved “Snow Falling on Cedars,” “The Poisonwood Bible” and “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” trilogy. Just finished C. L. Ragsdale’s Reboot series, which I loved and “The Saucy Lucy Murders.”
6.       What are you working on now and can you give us a little peek inside it? “Waiting for Santa” is a mystery about a Santa Jillian hired for Christmas Eve, who turns up dead at a power station during a power outage. The police find a note with Jillian’s name and address inside his pocket. A double entendre occurs, as Jillian has to decide between two suitors as well. Who will be her “Santa?”
7.       What advice would you give authors who are on their own journey to publication? Get about $4,000 together and use either CreateSpace or another reputable vanity press. Write the book, send it to beta readers for input, rewrite the book, pay a content editor to give you feedback, rewrite the book again, pay a proofreader to edit for typos, and pay someone to do a dynamite cover. When it’s PERFECT, get about five great reviews from other authors and work up a launch promotion. After you’ve done all that, upload your file to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Nook and Smashwords. CreateSpace puts it for sale on Then the real work begins. Posting, tweeting, blogging and emailing the fire about your book while appearing to be casually making comments mentioning your masterpiece. You also want a great bio and book blurb to generate interest in what you’ve written.
8.        Do you have any books or websites that have helped you with your writing that you could share with us? I think the best ones are “Dollars & Sense” by McCray, Scott, and Thompson and The Writers Guide 2 E-Publishing Blog are the best two sources I know. The last one’s blogger has sold over 100,000 books so far.
9.       Is there anything you’d like to tell us we haven’t covered? As my husband keeps telling me, just write good books. Books that you would like to read. Easy to say – difficult (but not impossible) to do.
10.   Please let us know where we can find you on the web. My web site is From there you can find my blogs, Amazon author page and basic information.
Thanks for having me over Deborah!
Kindle Book $2.99 on
Here's what you need to do to be eligible for an entry for the paperback copy: 
Go to the following link:  Sleuths and Suspects Reviews

Interview and Giveaway with Nancy Jill Thames

  1) Leave a comment about cozy mysteries. Have you heard of them before? Do you read them, etc.
2) Leave an email address so we can contact you.
3)Sign up as a follower of Sleuths and Suspects.
4) Sign up to get blog posts by email.
Thank you so much for stopping by and we look forward to seeing you again!
Deborah Malone

Thursday, July 26, 2012



1The Nightmare

June 8 San Diego, California

Caroline  was playing innocently in her own front yard when the car struck her down. She was playing with her new puppy, a golden haired mutt she had named Buddy. Her father, a hardworking handy man, had rescued the runt before their neighbor could drop the defenseless dog off in the country to fend for itself. Buddy was gently licking the little girl’s face as she hugged him. She was coaxing him to be still while she put the pink doll dress over his head. She wanted to pretend he was her baby. Just normal play for a five-year-old girl. She finally succeeded and giggled at how funny Buddy looked in the frilly doll dress.
Caroline’s nine-year-old brother was in the driveway of their modest home. The boy stooped over the back tire of his bicycle, attaching playing cards to the spokes with clothespins. He imagined the cards made the sound of a motorcycle like his uncle’s 650.
The children’s mother had been watching her daughter but needed to go back inside the house to check on her cake baking in the oven. Her mind was burdened with how to pay the bills. The afternoon was late and it was almost time for their dad to come home from work. Supper was almost ready, a meager meal of hamburger helper. But there would be cake. No matter how hard they struggled just to survive, they remained a closely-knit family.
And then the unthinkable happened. A late model car came out of nowhere, speeding and swerving wildly. Caroline’s brother watched helplessly as the driver ran up over the curb and into their yard. Buddy scampered away in the pink doll dress, terrified, and Caroline sat frozen on the lawn, staring wide-eyed as the car came toward her. The boy watched in horror as the car struck her small defenseless body, hurtling it further back into the yard. He heard the tires squeal as the car raced off—the driver not even bothering to stop after what he had done.
The boy, almost in shock, had enough presence of mind to notice the license plate. His parents had drilled both of their children in the importance of protective safety measures and now the numbers were burned into his memory forever. He frantically ran to his sister, wondering how he was going to help her.
 The frightened boy bent down and cradled her bloodied body in his arms. Feeling angry and helpless, he vowed that the maniac would be caught.
The mother, hearing the screeching tires so close to her house had come outside, drying her hands on her apron, to see what was going on. She looked in the yard and found her son holding the lifeless body in his arms. She ran toward them, holding her head with her hands screaming, struggling to undo the terrible thing that had just happened.
The boy turned to her and cried, “Call 911!”

That was the beginning of the nightmare: for the mother, for the father, and for the nine-year-old boy.

June 18 Twelve Years Later

The nightmare had culminated in a tragic double-homicide at the Pacific Terrace Hotel where I was staying. Before the ordeal, I remember feeling so happy. The San Francisco Enterprise had just published two great articles for my Ask Jillian gardening column, and I had some time for a breather. I was also looking forward to attending our family reunion. My personal assistant, Cecilia Montoya, was coming with me to help take care of Teddy, my Yorkie companion. The three of us were flying into San Diego International Airport  two days before the tragedy occurred.

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