
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Tea Party Bridal Shower

The Tea Table
What could be better than a tea party for your daughter's bridal shower? In the first photo, our daughter Wendy (far left) flew in from California for the occasion to honor her little sister Holly (second from left). Daughter-in-law Jen (far right) was also on hand to help with the festivities.
It was such fun to serve dainty tea sandwiches, pasta salad, and desserts. And we mustn't forget the sherry. Some had never tasted the quintessential English drink.
For the Guest of Honor

Dessert Bar~French Macarons,  Chocolate Mousse in Demi-tasse cups, Fruit Tartlets, Madeleines, and Cupcakes-Champagne and Chocolate-Chip

Opening Gifts~The Best Part!

I hope you enjoy the photos and will read more about afternoon tea in all of the Jillian Bradley books. See you next time!


~Nancy Jill 


  1. What a perfect idea, a tea party for a bridle shower! I enjoyed all of the photos. A lovely spread. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Susan. We had yummy leftovers for days!

  2. The idea of tea party for a bridal shower is so inspirational. It seems quite economical too. I would love to book one of the best venues in DC for my cousin’s tea party bridal shower event.

    1. Thank you, mackyton. Everyone seemed to enjoy the tea. And my family and I enjoyed all the leftovers!


      ~Nancy Jill
