
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tea Party Tuesday ~ A New Year Begins!

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday! Today, I'm featuring morning coffee instead of afternoon tea simply because today it's where I am on my journey into the new year. 

Every so often my friend Laurel and I meet at her house for coffee and chit chat. She provides the coffee and I provide the goodie. We both then provide the chit chat! These mini raspberry coffee cakes from Walmart were perfect for us weight conscious gals.

After telling my friend about the tumultuous experience moving my mother into assisted living (never easy), she shared about her new life for the next two years house and dog sitting for her son while he and his family move to Singapore. Wonderful how things work out. Although they'll be missed, the little family won't have to worry about things back home with Laurel in charge.

And that's the way things go. My father had a saying - "There's nothing more certain than change." How true in my life and Laurel's too. What about you this year? Will you be doing the same things in 2015 as you did in 2014? I hope you will have enough to do to keep busy, but still have time for a little fun. One thing I've decided to do for sure after moving my mom - I'm going to start collecting things I love on Pinterest boards instead of buying them and trying to find a place to store them. Like this teapot to my china - it's only $1,099.00 on Replacements Limited! 

Thanks for joining me today on Tea Party Tuesday. Happy New Year!

~Nancy Jill


  1. I hope this year will be a big improvement on last year! I'm going to start using my mothers china tea cups and dishes instead of leaving them in the china cabinet. They are just too nice to not use!

  2. Good for you, Karen! Hear, hear!

