
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tea Party Tuesday * The Proper Way to Eat a Scone

Welcome to Tea Party Tuesday, everyone. I trust you're ready for a nice cup of hot tea. Milk? Sugars?

Today I have shocking information recently revealed to me in the latest issue of Tea Time Magazine.

Why do I say shocking? 

Because for years I've been eating scones in a manner considered uncouth according to a contributing editor of the magazine.

The thing is, it makes total sense, so I must share.

The tea maestro (what he calls himself) tells us round scones are the most popular in England for a reason -- they're easier to break apart or slice.

When served, one should take the scone and place it on your plate.
Spoon some jam and clotted cream on the plate as well (unless you're served as in the above photo).
Slice the scone in half horizontally and lay one half aside.
Slice the other half into two portions, taking one portion and spreading it with jam and clotted cream.
*Note: Whether the jam is spread first or the clotted cream depends on your philosophical approach. If your desire is to enjoy the decadence of the clotted cream, spread after the jam. If you want to be more discreet, the clotted cream is spread first, covered with the jam.
Once prepared, take a bite, sip your tea, then say something extremely witting or intelligent. 
Select the next portion and repeat the ritual.

It's the little things. And from now on, you can be sure that my heroine will be eating her scones in a proper manner.

I'd love to hear how you eat a scone. What are your favorite toppings? 

If you'd like my raisin scone recipe and recipe for mock Devonshire cream, you'll find them in "Cozy Food" released this year.
New! Cozy Food

Cheers for a lovely week, dear readers. 

~Nancy Jill 

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