
Monday, August 20, 2012


It's true! I drive my husband nuts! Well, at least some of the time. Childlike in my approach to life, I'm constantly learning things I never knew before - like a driver's license is only required at the ticket counter if you're checking bags. My husband looked at me ruefully as I tried offering my license to the agent. Right - we're only checking one bag - got it!

The journey as an author is one of constantly learning new things as well. In fact, the whole process is an incredible learning experience! Sometimes it takes three days to edit one chapter learning how to use a new editing site. Or learning how to show something happening in the story instead of telling what's happening. Not easy! But not impossible either - I just have to learn the craft. 

One author friend of mind, C. L. Ragsdale has this showing business down! I read all four of her Reboot Files within a couple of days. She's having tea with me this week over at "Queen of Afternoon Tea." 

She's giving away a copy of her first book "The Mystery of Hurtleberry House" to a lucky winner who leaves a comment and follows "Queen of Afternoon Tea."

 The winner of "Extraordinary Dreams of an Ireland Traveler" by Rosemary Adkins is Linneann. Congratulations! She commented and started following "Queen of Afternoon Tea" this week.

Have you learned anything new recently? Learning does keep life interesting. Have a great week, dear friends!

~Nancy Jill


  1. I seriously love that you are so willing to learn, and are just so excited about life! You are a great example of how to live gracefully and humbly at the same time. You are awesome Nancy Jill!! :)

  2. Thanks Jenny. I truly believe life is what you make it.

    ~Nancy Jill

  3. Have a great week, Nancy!

    Meanwhile ....

    I have nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award.Thank you for being a bright and beautiful inspiration.
    The RULES for this award are as follows:
    Thank the person nominating your for the award and link back to them
    List ten things about yourself: Here is the link to my previous acceptance.
    Nominate SIX blogs you think deserve the Kreativ Blogger Award.


    1. Thank you Juliet - I'm honored! I'll do my best to pass the award along.

      ~Nancy Jill
