
Thursday, May 24, 2012


Last kernel from David Hochman's article in the May 2012 issue of Spirit magazine. 
He says, "Time moves swiftly. Make the most of it." You may be 29 or you may be 69. Doesn't really matter. Young people have energy but  full plates of responsibility; older people move slower but seem to have a precious commodity that youth may not~time. Levels the playing field to the point of a simple truth: we really all have the same opportunity to realize our dreams. Mine is to publish eight books in The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series by November 2013 and a fictitious  memoir in 2014. One last tip: Working toward a dream is A BLAST! I'd like to hear about your dreams.

For more on the TED conferences:


  1. My dream was to have one full length novel published after my first novella. Three years ago my dream came true and now number ten will be released in September and I'm working on a new three book series. Yeah, I'm one of the older people who have more time than money to dedicate to writing.

  2. Hi Martha, That is fabulous! Ten books and that's what I call accomplishment! You are living your dream. Hats off, my friend!

    ~Nancy Jill
    "Queen of Afternoon Tea"

  3. You will realize your dream,too. Blessings on you, Nancy.
