
Monday, April 16, 2012


Welcome! I’m serving Earl Gray Tea this afternoon so let me pour you a cup and we’ll get started. Please help yourself to a pecan-butter sandwich. Later, we have Lemon posset for dessert. Such a light and lovely pudding! Let’s begin.

Where do you live? Tell us a little bit about yourself.             
I live in the North East of England (Geordie Land, though that won’t mean much to people who live outside the UK!). I’m not from here, though; I moved up here two and a half years ago to live with my husband. We don’t have children or pets, so our lives are mostly very peaceful! What else? I’m 52 but most people think I’m 10 years younger (maybe it’s just because I’m not very mature!), I’ve lived in lots of different places in lots of situations, known loads of people from all over the place – my life has been full, interesting and varied, but I’ve come to a resting place now, and am very happy.

Are you a traditionally published or Indie author? 
My books are on Amazon Kindle – oh, how I would love to be traditionally published! I submitted sample chapters of ‘You Wish’ to a few agents, two of whom asked for the whole manuscript, so I’m on the right track, even though representation remains elusive, alas! I think I might have another go with the novel I’m about to finish. I’d just love to see one of my books as an actual BOOK, not just on a Kindle – how much of a thrill would that be?

What are your hobbies?  
Mostly, I write! But I love to read, too, and my husband and I (oh dear, I sound like the queen!) love sitting in bed having indulgent ‘four film Sundays.’ Ten pillows, that sort of thing! Um, what else? I like growing things (I’ve just been repotting all my herbs!). I like to play backgammon, too, and word games. I love the sea and the countryside and mountains and wonderful scenery – I like taking photos. I wish I could say I did something fascinating like windsurfing, but like most people, my favourite thing is spending time with my family and friends.

Tell us about your current book. What was your inspiration
Can’t say too much about the novel I am currently writing it will give all the twists away! It’s called ‘The Other Side’ and I’ll just say it’s along the theme of how one small decision can completely change your life. For instance, imagine you are invited to a party; you are tired and don’t want to go. But you make the effort, and while there, you meet someone, who becomes a friend, and they introduce you to someone else who offers you this amazing job and you end up travelling all over the world - just because you made the effort to go to a party, even though you would rather have stayed lying on the sofa in front of the telly! It’s a tale of four lives, each one of which can be read as a separate story, though they all have a connection.
My novels are always a balance of observation of human behaviour, humour, and quite fast-paced storylines about modern women in today’s world. They always have twists you can’t guess at – I love putting red herrings in, too! Inspiration? I was first inspired to start writing again by the emergence of social networking. ‘You Wish’ features a Facebook stalker, ‘Nobody’s Fault’ a fake profile…but mostly I’m just inspired by my own life experience and everyone I have ever known.

How did you become a writer? When did you start? 
I always wrote stories, as a child. I first wrote a novel in 1993, just because I thought I’d see if I could. Between 1993 and 2000, I wrote about eight novels. Some were never even sent to agents, I just wrote them because I wanted to. I had whole manuscripts requested on a couple of occasions, after sending samples. I didn’t write any novels for 9 years when I lived in Norfolk, because my life was very, very busy, but I started again in 2010.

How long did it take you to finish your first book?  
About 6 or 8 months, I think. I write very quickly, and I’m disciplined about doing it virtually every day. I wrote it out in longhand first, and then typed it up for the second draft – back in 1993 I only had an old typewriter, not a computer or word processor, so when I did the re-write I actually typed the whole thing out again! I can’t imagine doing that now!

Where do you like to write?   
I write in the corner of my living room, on my big computer, which is always in the same place; it’s my little corner and I love it.

Favorite author(s)?  
John Boyne, Douglas Kennedy, Jack Kerouac, Norah Lofts, Evelyn Waugh, Emily Barr, Lauren Weisberger, George RR Martin, Susan Howatch, Elizabeth Jane Howard, Dorothy Parker

How many books have you written, so far? Do you plan to write more?   
Oh, yes! I have ‘You Wish’ and ‘Nobody’s Fault’ on Amazon, and will soon have ‘The Other Side’ on, too. My next project is a teen novel, which I am co-writing with a (published!) author, and then I have plans for another one of my own, which will be set in the music scene of the mid 1990s; it’s a re-work of one I wrote 17 years ago.

Would you like to share a link where we can purchase your books?
‘You Wish’ & ‘Nobody’s Fault’ are available free on  
Friday, April 20th through Sunday, April 22nd– other times there is a minimal cost.

What about a link to your website?  I don’t have a website yet – I haven’t had time to make one! But here’s a link to my Facebook author’s page. 
Many thanks, Nancy, for giving me the opportunity to introduce my work - and talk about myself! Also for making me aware of this blog, which I think is a lovely idea. I already have your "Murder in Half Moon Bay" on my pending list for when I have finished editing "The Other Side" and can allow myself a proper reading break. Thank you!

It was my pleasure, I assure you. Cheers for great success with your books!


  1. Great interview! :) Those pecan butter sandwiches sound yummy! ;)

  2. A wonderful Interview......I have read both "You Wish" & "Nobody's Fault" and I just can't wait for book number 3!

  3. I'm glad you liked the interview, Michelle. Thanks for the comment on Terry's books. I've passed it on to her.

    Nancy Jill

  4. What a great idea for a blog, Nancy! I've subscribed to your RSS feed.

  5. Thanks, Jaqui! I'm glad you like my ideas and thanks for subscribing to my feed!

    Nancy Jill
