
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tea Party Tuesday-Old Country Roses

Hello, everyone. This week on Tea Party Tuesday, I wanted to share about Old Country Roses China. According to Macy's this pattern is the most popular pattern in the world! It's no wonder. The lovely pink, red and yellow roses are suited to any season. Rimmed with gold, this china is truly stunning! The first cup and saucer in my collection was handed down from my Aunt Louise who knew I loved to collect them. 

Soon, after being inspired by a photo on Pinterest, I searched online until I found this cup and saucer in the Avon shape. I simply couldn't live without it!

    And then, I had to purchase the tea set because I needed an extra creamer for a party I was hosting. The set was less expensive than the creamer alone. 

    I don't know what makes your heart go pitty-pat, but for me it's beautiful dishes. The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series has afternoon tea in every book. Some say I use too many descriptions of food and clothes but writers write about who they are and what they do. If you love beauty like me along with a good mystery free of anything unpleasant except perhaps a murder here and there, you may want to check them out.
    Thank you for joining me this week. I pray you stay safe and sound in the days ahead.

     Try Book 1 in the series as a Free eBook!

    All Jillian Bradley wants is to spend a quiet weekend by the ocean and enjoy her afternoon tea. But a startling discovery draws Jillian and her garden club friends into solving a mystery that threatens her life and changes her future. "Murder in Half Moon Bay," Book 1 in the Jillian Bradley Mystery Series, introduces Jillian's little companion Teddy, a Yorkie who falls prey to danger but rises to become a sleuth dog in the next book.

    See you in my books!

    ~Nancy Jill

    Monday, May 11, 2020

    Bursting Forth from Covid19!

    Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon-that’s what's happening on my journey as an author. This quarantine has only served to help me understand what’s important and what’s not.
    What’s not important is stagnation. I choose to not be mired in apathy toward my writing, after all, it is the expression of who I am and the means to share whatever positive thoughts I have with others.
    What is important is moving forward with means to facilitate that goal.
    This week marks the beginning of new posts, reflecting on everyday beauty life can offer. Its what you’ll find in the books I’ve written. It’s what you’ll see in the photos I share.

    Here’s to a beautiful life we can all achieve.

                                                                      See you in my books!

                                                                           ~Nancy Jill

    Wednesday, March 18, 2020

    COVID-19 What is Going to Happen Next?

    When I lay down at night, my mind whirls with thoughts of the day:

    How long will our food last?
    If my husband gets sick, will I?
    Will hospitals overflow with virus victims?
    Will we have enough medicine to get through this virus if we catch it?
    What about those losing jobs?
    In essence, what is going to happen now?

    No one knows.

    But I can begin to see good things emerging:

    The environment in Italy is clearing of pollutants due to less traffic. Wild life is returning.

    Children, home from school, are with their parents.

    Parents are spending less time on their cell phones and tending to their family’s needs.

    Many businesses are finding ways to give back to the community.

    Less time is being spent commuting.

    Many are cooking again because they have to and some are enjoying it!

    Families are drawing closer together.

    Older parents are receiving attention.

    Neighbors are stepping up to help the elderly and those at risk.

    You can probably think of more. 

    I also believe our country will become more self-sufficient, which is a good thing.
    We as a nation have endured hardships in the past. We have also revived and learned valuable lessons along the way. 
    Yes, the worst may be yet to come. Let us hold onto our faith, our values, and most importantly, each other. For then we focus on what we can do each day instead of wondering what is going to happen tomorrow.

    ~Nancy Jill

    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    Heartbreaking Justice

    Looking back at the second book I wrote, "The Ghost Orchid Murder," it's always in my mind how Jillian has pity on the victim's mother. Jillian Bradley is not a professional detective, she's a tenacious friend seeking justice for all parties involved. The story takes place in Scottsdale, Arizona but extends to Ocala, Florida, home of the victim, and where all the trouble began. Here is the synopsis...

    It's been eight years since gardening columnist Jillian Bradley helped solve a string of murders in Half Moon Bay. But when a colleague in Scottsdale, Arizona finds a young technical assistant dead on the floor of his private office, Jillian doesn't hesitate to answer his plea for help in the investigation. After all, a $2 million research grant depends on it.
    Together with Detective Jack Noble and Jillian's clue sniffing dog, Teddy, the three set out to track the killer who left a porcelain orchid over the wound as the only clue. Even though it means personal sacrifice for Jillian, she is determined to uncover the truth. A faith-based novel. 

     See you in my books!
    ~Nancy Jill